here comes a thought

868 23 17

I lay in my bed, my head and chest aching from the belt.

I stare at the ceiling in the dark.
Wanting to cry.
I feel absolutely horrible, I feel like there is nothing for me.
I feel lost for a little.

But then I change my thinking.
I think about all the good things that have happened.
I met devil. I stood up to my friends.
The only problem is, that I live here.

I can't explain my feelings about everything right now.
I feel sad and glad at the same time.

I start to drift. Not even thinking about changing my clothes or even getting under the covers of my bed.

I fall asleep and wake to the sound of my alarm going off.

I can't describe my night, I tossed and turned all night and just couldn't control my emotions.
At least it's Friday.
But sadly devil won't be there at school.


get myself ready, with the daily routine.
Meraculously I got a rude from my mother to school, so that was a very helpful thing.

I get the there and walk into the doors and walk to my first period class.
I see token, he glares at me a bunch.
I go and sit by him.
"Hey token," I say.

He just glares at me.
"Why?" He says randomly.
"What?" I ask.

"Why do you hang out with devil? How do you find him appealing even in the slightest?" He asks.

"You know, everyone makes him out to be a horrible dumb guy, but he really isn't all that bad." I say trying to reassure him.

"I hardly believe that." Token says.
Then the bell rings and we shut up.

The teacher starts ranting and I just sit there resting my head in my arm looking out the window taken over by boredom. Then the bell finally rings after 40 minutes of a lecture.
I go through the day, to each class period

In fact, most of the day has been nothing but boredom.

Lunch arrives and I try to sit with my friends but they are acting weird.
But that's not to my surprise to be honest.
I sigh and just sit and think about devil.

But I'll finally admit to myself that, I do, in fact miss devil. Even though it was just a joke, it's true. I do miss him.

I poke at my food not really eating it.
Then an insane thought came to mind that made me feel sick but, kinda good.

What if I have feelings for devil?

My eyes widen and I drop my fork which I wasn't even using.

I never really looked at myself as gay, I always denied the fact that I am attracted to, males. I didn't want to think it was true.
But maybe it really is.

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