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As Chris sat in the bottom of Robyn's closet, enjoying the familiar taste of her kiss—the combination of smoky cigarettes and vanilla-y lipstick and

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As Chris sat in the bottom of Robyn's closet, enjoying the familiar taste of her kiss—the combination of smoky cigarettes and vanilla-y lipstick and...was that weed? Robyn always hated it when Chris smoked weed, a fairly common occurrence since he shared a room with Jermaine, whose hippie parents grew the stuff. She'd tell him he smelled and would refuse to kiss him, but Chris knew she was mostly pissed off by the way smoking made him turn in on himself and away from her. She was always asking him what he was thinking, like she couldn't stand that there was a place she didn't have access to. It drove him a little crazy. 

So what the hell was he doing here, with his tongue in her mouth? Kae, he thought. She was supposed to be coming back with beer. What if she came in right now? His stomach dropped, like he was on a roller coaster going down a huge hill and he suddenly realized his safety harness thingy wasn't latched. 

Chris pulled away, his mind reeling. Something frilly tickled his ear. 

In the darkness, Robyn whispered, "What are you thinking?"

"I think we should get out of here," Chris mumbled. He fumbled for the doorknob in the dark, finally finding it and pushing. Light flooded in. Robyn was crouched next to him, looking as confused as he felt. "We should ... probably get downstairs. People are going to wonder."

"Yeah. Otherwise it'll look suspicious." She stood up first, untangling her long, thin body. "Why don't you go first? I've gotta find shoes, anyway."

Chris took a long, deep breath before standing up. "Okay. See you later," and closed the room door behind him. Each step he took down the stairs seemed to say asshole, asshole, asshole. Had he really just made out with Robyn? The last few months of their relationship, even when they'd been apart, had been fairly excruciating. She was always nagging him until he felt like exploding. He tried to conjure up specific instances, but for some reason, he couldn't. He could only picture her laughing at dinner with his dad or defending his artwork. Or sliding down next to him in the dark closet. 

What was wrong with him? Had he really made a mistake by breaking up with her, or was he just seeing Robyn through rose-colored glasses now? Was he destined to be one of those assholes who only wanted the girls he couldn't have? 

Fuck. And then there was Kae. He needed to talk to Kae, but he couldn't even make sense of what he was feeling, so how was he supposed to be able to say something about it? He didn't want to hurt her...and he didn't want to lose her, either. 

Was that so wrong, to be in love with two girls at the same time? Was it even possible?

"Hey!" Kae was coming out of one of the dorm rooms, a Bridgeport mug in each hand. Her face lit up when she saw him. "I'm sorry I took so long, there was some kind of false alarm and we were all hiding."

Hiding. Right. Like in dark closets.

"It's okay." He took a mug from her hand. "Thanks." He sipped it. "Mmm, warm beer." Served him right—that's about all he deserved at the moment. 

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