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Kae stepped out of Jameson House after portraiture class and took in a breath of crisp fall air

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Kae stepped out of Jameson House after portraiture class and took in a breath of crisp fall air. Two tall, lanky senior guys in cargo pants and Bridgeport sweatshirts were tossing a Frisbee around on the lush green quad. They paused as she passed, and Kae felt herself blushing. She walked away quickly, the fallen leaves crackling beneath her Uggs, wishing more than almost anything that she were headed down Amsterdam Avenue with her dad to get a couple of cupcakes from the bakery around the corner from their Upper West Side apartment. All she wanted was to get lost on the streets of Manhattan among millions of strangers, none of whom would look at her and think, There goes the girl Chris Brown is about to dump.

Kae tugged at the hem of her gray wool miniskirt. She'd spent a little extra time getting ready today, anticipating seeing Chris for the first time since Saturday's disastrous party while the Waverly girls were all supposed to be on lockdown. But then Chris hadn't even bothered to show up for class. Kae's heart had sunk when Mrs. Silver closed the door to the studio and Chris was nowhere to be found. What did that mean? Was he actually avoiding her?

She hadn't spoken with Chris since the terrible revelation that he had taken Robyn, her unbearably beautiful roommate who just happened to be his ex-girlfriend, out to an intimate dinner with his father. Not only had he not invited Kae, his supposed girlfriend, he hadn't even told her about it, though apparently half the world already knew. And then the rest of the world found out after Jasmine "Definition of Pure Evil" Sanders broke the news to an entire roomful of happily partying Bridgeport Owls during the I Never game.

Chris had e-mailed Kae on Saturday night after the party disastrously disbanded, asking if she wanted to talk, but she'd written back and said she wasn't ready—she needed to figure out what the hell she was feeling first. But even having said that, she couldn't help hoping he would try to sneak in to see her with a handful of flowers or slip one of his goofy cartoons into her student mailbox. She didn't want to be one of those girls who said the exact opposite of what she meant, but still—it would have been nice to see Chris try.

Suddenly something sharp hit Kae in the back of the neck, and she whirled around, expecting to see one of the Frisbee guys rushing toward her apologetically. But instead, a white paper airplane made of thick watercolor paper lay on the cobblestone path near her feet. She picked it up and unfolded it, her heart starting to thud in her chest, but nothing was written inside.

"Psst!" She glanced toward the cluster of birch trees to the left of Jameson House. There, nestled among them, a joint stuck behind his ear, was the boy she couldn't stop thinking about. Chris's enormous brown eyes looked nervous as he motioned her over.

Kae shuffled slowly in his direction, a vision of Chris sitting across a candlelit dinner table from Robyn and his father, chatting and laughing, flashing across her brain. She started to feel a little queasy and tried to replace the image with the memory of Sunday, when she'd hung out in the Waverly common room with Alex and Yaara and even, surprisingly enough, Robyn. They'd all complained about boys—no specifics, just general, feel-good, boy-dissing bonding. It wasn't that long ago they were swinging from trees, reaching for their bananas, Robyn had declared, and then they'd all made monkey noises the rest of the night. Now, seeing Chris among the leafy branches, Kae had to suppress an ooooh ooooh eeeeee eeeee!

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