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Friday was a chilly, gray day, as if Marymount had ordered the weather to punish the girls of Waverly too

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Friday was a chilly, gray day, as if Marymount had ordered the weather to punish the girls of Waverly too. Like being confined to the dorm for the entire weekend wasn't punishment enough. Or unfair enough.

"Marymount sucks," Zendaya muttered as she and Kae headed over to the art studio after lunch. Their second-to-last meal as free women, Kae couldn't help thinking. The weekend already loomed over her like a death sentence. It was one weekend, but still ... she'd been looking forward to spending some time with Chris and to avoiding her room a little more. Now it looked like she and Robyn would be in nice close quarters for more than 48 hours. That sounded like a party waiting to happen.

"It seems so weird to just punish everyone like that. Isn't that what dictators do?" 

Kae resisted saying something sarcastic. Zendaya, still a card-carrying member of Café Society and welcome at all Jasmine-orchestrated events, had definitely gotten a couple of beers out of the roof party. Kae and Alex had been nowhere near it. But regardless, it seemed like an awfully harsh punishment to throw on everyone just because a bunch of trustees were going to be in town. "How did a keg even get up there?"

"Dunno." Zendaya paused to pick a crumbling yellow oak leaf from the heel of her red leather moccasins. "But I did hear that Dave was planning some sort of big party this weekend."

"How could he have a party without us?" It was a well-known fact that the girls of Waverly were the hottest on campus. Or at least they acted like they were, Kae had noticed. Not that she minded—if felt kind of good to think of herself as hot for once instead of getting all bogged down in the specifics. Like short legs, frizzy hair, slight stomach pudge, etc.

"That's what I'm saying." Zendaya sighed heavily as the girls turned a corner and caught sight of the art building in front of them. "Looks like someone's waiting for you." She nudged Kae in the ribs, right in a ticklish spot. Kae squirmed away—she was disastrously ticklish.

Chris was leaning against one of the concrete columns at the entrance to the building. His sketchbook was open on his lap. He looked up and gave the two girls a little salute.

"Jesus," Zendaya murmured under her breath. "You are so fucking lucky."

Kae couldn't disagree. She could feel Chris's gaze on her as they approached, taking in her tightish H&M crew neck, dark denim skirt with a long slit up the side, and knee-high brown suede boots. Nothing too exciting, but the thing about Chris was that just one look from him—one of those looks—and she felt like Cinderella dressed in the most beautiful gown.

"Did you hear the news?" Zendaya asked Chris as the two girls reached the bottom step, even though he still had his eyes on Kae. "We're all under house arrest this weekend."

Chris dragged his eyes over to Zendaya as Kae sat down next to him and he casually draped his arm around her shoulders. "I heard something about that. Is it true?" He gave Kae's shoulders a little squeeze and her heart began to pound even harder.

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