"Aww," Kae replied, blushing.

Alex grinned. Quincy was such a flirt. One of the benefits to having a boyfriend who went to a different school was that Alex could innocently flirt with as many guys as she wanted and never have to worry about Quincy knowing. Flirting was one of those things that made life worth living. The disadvantage, of course, was realizing that Quincy was probably doing the same at his school.

"I'm glad you could ... uh ... make it this evening," Kae giggled. Alex nudged Kae with her elbow. "And this is Yara."

"Hey, Yara. Nice to meet you. I'm Quincy." Alex smiled. Quincy was polite as always.

"Nice to meet you too, Quincy." Yara smiled back and grabbed Kae's arm. "We were just, um, leaving."

"Yes. Of course!" Kae motioned toward the door and the two of them backed out it, giggling still. "But we'll see you at the party, right?"

"We'll be there in a few," Alex said. She could still hear her heart pounding in her ears. All day, she'd been too afraid to hope that Quincy would sneak over—she didn't want to get him in trouble or anything, but she couldn't stop thinking about him. As soon as the door was closed, she threw her arms around him and started kissing his face wildly, being careful to avoid the black smeary stuff.

"Whoa, slow down a sec." Quincy rubbed his hands up and down Alex's sides. "Let me get a chance to see how gorgeous you look." He stepped back and appraised her, and Alex felt her whole body heating up. "Wow."

"I like a man of few words." Alex pulled him to her again and this time pressed her lips squarely against his. Their bodies seemed to melt together as he tightened his hold around her waist. "Congratulations on the game today. I listened on the radio."

"Oh, yeah?" Quincy placed one hand on the nape of Alex's neck and massaged it gently, exactly where she liked it. "That's sweet of you."

"Mmm." Alex pressed her face into his chest and breathed in. He smelled like pine and fresh deodorant and the AXE shaving cream he always used. Having him here, in the flesh, after wanting him so badly all day, made Alex feel a little like she was in a dream. She couldn't help herself from unbuttoning the top button of his black Ralph Lauren shirt.

"Babe, what are you doing?" Quincy murmured in her ear, not exactly sounding alarmed.

"I can't help it." Alex tore the next few open a little faster, the glimpse of his bare chest driving her wild. There were so many buttons! "I've been dying to see you." She finally pulled open his shirt and was greeted with the words, in bright body paint, GET GOOSED, St. Lucius's slogan. "Oh my God."

Quincy grinned sheepishly. "Yeah ... uh ... all the guys painted our chests. We didn't realize that it doesn't really come off in the shower." He scratched his fingers across his pecs.

"You're kidding?" Even the silly slogan on his chest made him look sexy, and she slowly leaned in and pressed her lips to it, tracing the first G with her mouth as she slid Quincy's shirt off his arms. Maybe this was something she and Quincy could always have between them—knowing that the first time they did it, his chest said GET GOOSED in big red, goofy letters. That was kind of romantic.

But just as she started to push Quincy toward the bed, the door popped open and Jasmine, wearing a flowy pink dress and a long double strand of freshwater pearls—exactly like the ones Alex had been planning on wearing out with Quincy's family—barged in. "Oh, Quincy! I didn't expect to find you here." As if she was expecting Alex to be with some other guy. 

Considering it was only a few short weeks ago that Alex was sneaking onto Michael's yacht, Alex felt stung. You passive-aggressive bitch, Alex cursed. Couldn't Jasmine just let things go? Quincy glanced at Alex, and she could see in his eyes a touch of sadness, like Jasmine had just reminded him of the horrible way Alex had dumped him not all that long ago. Alex rubbed her hand up and down Quincy's bare back. 

But Quincy grabbed his shirt off the floor, giving Alex a quick kiss on the cheek and mouthing the word "Later." 

Jasmine strode right past Quincy's half-naked body and gave him her sparkly smile. "Congrats on the win. I heard it was a really good game."

"Thanks, Jas."

Alex glared at Jasmine as she fumbled around with a few things on her desk before grabbing her sleek black phone, humming the whole time.

"You guys hanging in here all night?" Jasmine asked brightly, looking directly at Alex, as if she hadn't not spoken to her for the past two weeks. Jasmine never wanted to reveal her true megabitch self in front of members of the opposite sex.

"No, we'll be out there, don't worry," Alex replied, keeping the nastiness she was feeling out of her voice. Quincy pulled on his shirt.

"Good," Jasmine said, leaving the door open behind her. "I wouldn't want you to miss anything."

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