"You're really cold." he said. I nodded. "Fine, miss out on all the fun." he said putting me down.

I grabbed his arm and I pulled him toward the pavement.

"What happened to you two?" Liam and Zayn asked.

"This idiot over here decided it would be fun to play in freezing cold water." I said.

"Don't lie. You loved it." he said winking at me.

"Yeah sure I did." I said. I shivered. I think Louis saw that because he decided to lend me his jacket.

"No thanks. That would just make me more cold. You were wearing your jacket while you were skipping around in the water." I said.

"Well we found a cafe and maybe some warm hot chocolate could cheer you up." Zayn said.

"Yeah that would be nice." I said starting my walk towards the cafe.

"Then after that we should go check out the colosseum. Thats the only one they didn't break down." Liam said.


I sat there in front of Harry and Niall. We were both just waiting to get out of here. Normally people spen 30 or at least 45 minutes eating some pasta and then they leave. But we were in this restaurant for at least an hour or more. I was soon getting tired of the beige painted walls.

Soon I heard Cher Lloyd singing Want you Back and looked at my phone. I answered and heard Zoey say "I'm cold."

"It's like 80 degrees outside how are you cold?" I asked.

"Louis." she replied.

"Oh well did you have fun doing whatever you guys did."

"Yeah I guess. That's not the point. He took me into freezing water and now I'm soaking wet and Then he offers me his jacket which is also freezing." she said.

"At least that was thoughtful and sweet."

"Well what are you doing? The boys and I are heading to the oldest colosseum in Rome."

"Have fun. Niall here is still eating his pasta." I said.

"He must be a slow eater."

"This is his 5th bowl." I said.

"5? How is he still skinny?" she asked.

"I have no idea." I soon heard distant yelling from the other side.

"I have to go. Louis wants me to come check out something. It better not be a girl." she said.

"Jealous much?" I asked before hanging up.

"Who's jealous?" Harry asked.

"No one." I replied. "Anyway Niall, I'm going to call Liam if you don't stop eating." I said.

"Fine let me just finish this last plate and then we can leave." he replied mouth full of food.

"Ok." I said.

"So tell me. How do you know about Cher Lloyd, but you don't know about One Direction?" he asked.

"Well my friend Chelsea showed me this one song by her and I like it. I don't research famous people and find out there blood types and shit. That's just creepy." I said.

"Well maybe one day you'll find out who one direction is." he said.

"Maybe I will." I said.

"I'm done!" Niall exclaimed.


"So what did you want to show me?" I asked.

"I wanted to show you this beautiful view from the top of the colosseum." he replied.

I looked at it and it was fabulous. You could see the fountain from here too. The water was gleaming from the fading sun. The sky was orange and pink. It just looked amazing.

"So how is it?" he asked grinning at the view.

"It's really beautiful." I replied. We stared at the view until the sun finally set down. Once it did I realized that I didn't take a picture of my first sunset in Rome. "I didn't get a picture." I said.

"Got it." he said smiling at me.

"You got a picture of the sunset?" I asked.

"Yeah." he replied. "I also got a picture of something even prettier than the sunset."

"Is it the fountain? Care to share?" I asked.

"Not really." he said.


"Fine." he said coming closer to me.

He quickly typed in his pass code and was about to show me when Liam came up to Louis and said "We have to meet Harry, Hailey, and Niall at the cruise."

"Maybe another time." he said running behind Liam. I wonder what it was. I knocked that thought out of my head and ran to them.

Zayn was waiting for us at the bottom. We slowed down and walked to the cruise.


"Its almost 8 and it's really dark. Do you think they got lost?" I asked.

"No they should be here soon." Harry said.

Soon we heard panting and footsteps. They were here.

"What took you so long?" I asked.

"Long story. Maybe another time." Zayn said.

"Anyway Harry what are we going to do now? You said you had something planned." Zoey said. I almost forgot about that.

"Where going to a club!" Harry exclaimed.

"I'll pass." I said.

"Why? It will be really fun." Harry said.

"Actually clubs are off limits. One time Hailey went by herself and ended up doing some things." Zoey said.

"It was a fling and I was drunk." I said.

"Well this time you have everyone, so we could protect you. Plus we have to be here by tomorrow at 12:00pm. That's when the cruise leaves." Harry said. I nodded. He did have a point.

"Wait Harry we're in Rome, so how could there be a club here?" Zayn asked.

"Just follow me. I know a place." he replied. We were now off to this unknown club in some unfamiliar country in the dark. Lets hope we don't get raped.

Stranded with....Louis Tomlinson and Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now