Three point turn and a gear shift

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"You're turning too fast!"

"Shut up Artemis!"

"Shut up KEN!"


I say when the back of the car swings a little on my sharp turn.  I do not need a peanut gallery critiquing my driving, not today.  Hi glances at me from the passenger seat with an easy smile, the only one who hasn't shit all over my driving confidence.  The first time on my own driving?  No, I have three unruly passengers to deal with and-

"Ken shut UP!"

I say, trying to defuse the full blown argument brewing in my backseat.  Hi glances at them in the mirror with a small laugh, leaning over and muttering to me-

"Turn fast here maybe you can knock one of them unconscious so we get some peace."

He says and it doesn't go unnoticed, Ken quick to loop Hi into the conversation.  I try to keep my eyes on the road.

"Oh is that how it is Hi!  Just because you're new you think you're better than us!  You only got the front seat because Ren is a JERK!"

"And your name is weird!"

Artemis lamely throws in, his own name not much more mainstream.

"God you're a dork!"

Ken starts,

"Am not!"

And they're back at it, Hi closing his eyes with another little laugh, unconcerned and far more relaxed than anyone else here.  At least the roads are clear and I turn up the radio to block the yelling, both annoyed and amused.  It's always fun when the gang is together, stressful, but also fun. 

"Oh look it's a dog!"

Hi says, golden hair glimmering in the sunlight as he twists sideways to watch the husky.  His girly features turn up into a smile, earrings making small jingles whenever he moves.  He's definitely the prettiest one of us now, glowing sun tanned skin out shining all of us with strawberry blond hair to match.  Yes, Hi is new, and his name is weird, but I'm pretty sure he's here to stay.


"You're turning too fast!"

I say grabbing onto the door handle and trying to steel myself for a barrel roll into the ditch.  Who the hell thought Ren should get a car to drive and be left alone!  Who!

"Shut up Artemis!"

Ken says shoving my shoulder rough enough I bang into the window, god he's such a bastard!

"Shut up KEN!"

I yell back, kicking his knee as hard as I can in the confined space.  He glares at me eyes full of spite-


Ren says from the front and when I make eye contact with her in the mirror, I know, she means it.  Hi got the front seat because someone thought it was a good idea for me and Ken to be stuck in the back, and when he uses his filthy combat boot to rub dirt on my brand new jeans I just about lose it. 

"You just hate me because I'm hotter than you!"

"No you're a scrawny pale city boy you have nothing on me!"

"I got better eyes than you, and a better face, and better shoes, and a better life!"

"City boy!  City boy!  No wonder you have a girls name you city boy! City-"


Ren shouts, again, and I snicker while rudely gesturing to him, glad I'm not the one in shit.  He snatches my hands out of the air, growling out a warning.  I struggle to pull my hands away but his grip is too strong, leaving me to mutter curses and insults.  Too caught up in freeing myself, I never noticed Hi talking in the front seat, but Ken sure did. 

"Oh is that how it is Hi!  Just because you're new you think you're better than us!  You only got the front seat because Ren is a JERK!"

My mind whirls as I try to think up a snide comments to match, and I stammer out-

"And your name is weird!"

The car goes dead silent and I feel an embarrassed blush creeping up my neck. 

"God you're a dork!"

Ken says, face in his hands. 

"Am not!"

I retort, rubbing my wrists now that he's finally let go.  Why can't he just like me?  It's been years can we not at least be something close to friends?  I see a little glimmer of, affection?  In his eyes, when I try to insult him, something Ren has no problem doing but I seem to have found myself at a loss for words.  The moment is broken when we turn a corner, another insult slipping out of my mouth and we're back to fighting.


"I miss the heat of Africa."

I say, the sun here a lying cheat to the waves of heat from back home. 

"Why are you here then?"

Ren questions, or that's what her name is today.  These people are weird, Ren seeming to be the leader, Ken her right hand man, and Artemis an odd third wheel to them.  Always, someone is always fighting.  There must be more to all this, but I settle for getting the front seat as Ken and Artemis argue in the back.  I don't like to answer questions, I'll speak when I want to.

"You don't like me questioning you, right?"

I glance over, looking at Ren through my blond bangs.  She can answer her own question I'm sure. 

"Right then, BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP."

I snicker, the argument in the back seat so loud I can barely hear the music. 

"Turn fast here maybe you can knock one of them unconscious so we get some peace."

Red hair comes into eye view as Ken leans forward, Ren audibly grinding her teeth as she drives. 

"Oh is that how it is Hi!  Just because you're new you think you're better than us!  You only got the front seat because Ren is a JERK!"

"And your name is weird!"

I laugh when Ken snatches the phone out of Artemis' hand, the two bickering incessantly as we drive. 

"Africa was more colorful than here, you all wear black too much, you're calling bad luck to you."

Ren is silent, listening but quiet.  It's beautiful.  People need to learn about silence.


"Now I'm the only one with a professional music degree so I'm the only one that comes to music!"

Artemis says, pulling his one and only trump card.  I scoff.

"Try to be helpful you dork."

He blinks, confused, before stepping out of the car because Ren is impatiently waiting at the door.

"I'm always helpful, you're the destructive one."

And I roll my eyes, thoroughly reminded why I hate Artemis and his prissy attitude.  Such, a city boy.

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