"You all know the plan," 'Of course we do,' I think, 'you said it fifty times already' but then Zeke looked at me, pointedly. "Stiff, you better not mess up."   The plan was simple, me and another dauntless initiate were going to go in as close as possible and shoot everything that moved. Zeke would lead one team to one team to one side and another team would go the other way. When my dauntless partner was shot and unable to continue I would yell and that would be the signal to attack.

"Good luck, stiff," my dauntless partner said then moved. I followed him and the two groups went their separate ways. The dauntless born was going to run in front and draw them out and I was going to shoot them.


We moved to the next box, and the next and the next, then I saw the flag glittering up in the tower.


"This one," I said, the other boy nodded and got down on one knee and linked his hands together. I stepped onto his hands and he boosted me up so I could scramble up to the top of the box. I then army crawled to the front and set my gun up, laid it on the top of the box and positioned it comfortably under my arm. As I prepared to shoot I looked up and made sure I could see where my team mate was going to be running. And we were in luck.

The box I was positioned on was at the end of one pattern and at the beginning of the next. There was a hallway of sorts that had more hallways in between boxes. 

I whistled and my teammate began to slowly jog out into the open. He ran alongside the boxes and I followed him with my gun ready to shoot anyone who threatened him. He shot down a hallway and sprinted to the next, he began to laugh as he shot. He kept jerking like he had been shot but he kept moving, people swarmed out and began to soot him, he fell and I began to shoot.


I shot, and shot. People fell down as I hit right where it hurt the most. Then I saw that they had left my companion alone, he was done for. They had noticed that their own was being shot, by me and began to search for anyone else from my team. I noticed that they were beginning to get out of my reach and closer to Zeke's group so I stood up and screamed.


I screamed like the gates of Hell had opened up and all the demons were chasing me. I shot three times into the air and saw that the two groups had started their charges.


Then my calf was on fire. I had been shot!


I jumped down from the box and began to sprint toward the tower that I could see the flag flying proudly from. Adrenaline pumped through my body and I began full out sprinting. A couple initiates tried to chase me but I shot them all.


When I reach the tower I begin to climb the steps all the way up to the flag. Right when I was about to reach the door I could hear the sounds of muffled footsteps of a few initiates going up the stairs. I wasn't sure if they were friend of foe, so I quickened my pace and threw open the door. I began to go toward the flag when I heard the sound of someone breathing heavily and I jumped behind a barrel, the sound of repeated fire fills the air.


"You take one more step and I will blow you to pieces," A voice says. It's Anni.


"You'll just waste your amo!" I call out cheerfully and I peek out from behind the barrel.


"I got more," she says and I put my whole head out from behind the barrel.


"Sure," then pull my head back for cover, just as two shots are fired. Now I know where she is.


"I know where you are, Eaton." she says as I position myself to get in a position to run. 


"So do I," I mumble as I dart out and sprint for the flag.


She shoots immediately into my calf and I grunt in pain. She got a lucky shot, right where I was shot the last time. I return fire, as two more bullets wiz by. I hear Anni cry out and I put on a burst of speed and grab the flag.


Just as Zeke bursts into the room. His mouth drops.


"Eaton? What?- How?- Why?-"


"Just shut up and help me tell everyone that the game is over." I say completely exhausted. I hand him the flag and his mouth closes.


"You go show everyone-" He begins. I raise a hand.


"No," I say firmly, and look pointedly at him. "You got the flag so you get to show everyone." I wink.


He smiles. "You sure?"






It takes a whole hour to spread the news that our team had won. I told Zeke that I didn't need any attention and that he should take it all. Although I'm pretty sure he told Amar that I had actually got the flag because he had come up to me as the team was carrying Zeke to the trains and patted me on the shoulders and whispered in my ear; "You proved yourself alright." 


Then I had to summon up the rest of my strength and get on the train then ride all the way home. It's so funny how I already think of this house for crazy people my home. Then I had to get off of the train, and all the way into my room and get into my pjs. All I remember was the congratulations from my team mates and then the relm of dreams pulled me in and I fell asleep.





Hey guys!

I don't have much to say today, so just thanks for reading!

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Love you guys so much!


Ayra <4




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