Everything Changes

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Ever since that day,
I have nothing to say .
I was so blue
I want to be with you .

You asked me if I was fine.
But I know , you won't be mine.
This year is going to be strange .
And I plan to change.

In the middle of the summer ,
It wasn't a bummer .
I learn to forget
And never regret.

We move forward
And never step backward .
Friends think we have something.
But I feel nothing.

Our stories spread so fast
About our little past .
But we didn't care
About the consequences we bear .

Little by little things are getting okay.
Both of us play
But then the world is a stage
But I'm like a bird stuck in this cage.

All I see is black
Strength is what I lack.
Right now , I'm weak
And heard a creak.

I thought nobody care
But suddenly you gave me a scare
My eyes open wide
And you stayed by my side

I thought I was alone
But you gave me a warm tone .
Asking for forgiveness
While trap in this darkness.

We decided having a deep conversation
And shared a reflection
I didn't know you were in pain.
You are in pain because you have to gain .

Beautiful flowers grow in the garden
But I didn't know I was your burden.
I stood up and ran away from the place
Running around its like a race.

And then you stop me
Telling me together we will be free.
The darkness started to disappear
And songs pleasing to the ear .

In a strange world we both blend
And again you became a friend
In the end , both of us are the ones to blame .
But things would never be the same.

You can share your poems to me and I am delightful to read them because they are called art . Thrid poem released 💕. I hope you enjoy reading it as I enjoy writing it. Should I write more ?
Follow @caesareh

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