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You were raped, sodomized, molested

Abandoned, neglected

By your father

And the impression that left

Could only determine what would follow

Your heart is hollow

Small enough to swallow

So you don't trust

Don't love

Don't respect

Can't even stand to look at

Another man

Like that of your father

In your father's likeness

No black man would ever do

So you write them off

Your softened soul

In bitter hard armor


So you remain what you consider


In all your pain and animosity

Casting the black man aside

Making every effort to let him know

He could never remain at your side

How much you hate him

How much you wish he'd die

Even though every black man isn't your enemy

Just the one who planted the seed

Of you

In all your dexterity

Punishing the innocent

Blaming the blameless

For your agony

Because deep down

Your father made you hate yourself

He was the one who was supposed to love you

Above all others

But instead he told you

Every time he fucked you

Every time he failed to show up

Justhow worthless you are

And you ate it up

Believed him

And couldn't separate that notion from yourself

Or any other with black skin

Let me really begin

-because for all these sisters

Chanting about how much they hate black men

And are so adamant about embracing the white man

You're a means to your own end...


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