Chapter 1: Love is Deaf

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If there is anything I've learned about Saber these past weeks, it's that she can't sing as well as she thinks. But despite the ear splitting sounds, I can't help but listen to her happily. It's enough to make me forget about everything wrong in my life right now.

The song soon ends, and I clap my hands together in applause for her "show".

"Umu! Yes, I know how amazing I am. But shower me in your praise more!"

"You did great, Saber. I love your songs." I say, not entirely lying, but I'm not being truthful either. But what she doesn't know won't hurt her.

"I see! You must want an Encore!"

"Well I-"

She cuts me off.

"Very well, prepare to face my glory once more!"

She starts singing again, and I can feel my bones breaking because of her pitch. But I don't stop her.

I'll gladly take the pain to see her enjoy herself.

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