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Katie Lovelace.

Katie pulled her afro up back into an updo, finished her makeup with strokes of gold highlighter, and checked her plum lipstick in the mirror for signs of uneven distribution.

She deemed herself ready to have drinks, fun, and laughter at The Stardust Manor, Houston's most popular nightclub. She grabbed her phone and started typing with her long, red, fingernails.

"Hey, I'm ready, see you there?" She questioned.

Alerissa responded instantly. "Duh, I'm so ready for drinks and boys😍😍"

Katie rolled her eyes, reached for her purse, and headed out to her black Aston Martin. NASA paid well.

By the time she was at the club, Alerissa was already there, holding a spot, only third to the front. She was chatting with a handsome man with blue eyes, and thick brown hair with a beard to match. Alerissa wasted no time, and was flipping her jet black her back with a flick of her wrist, laughing at whatever this man might've said. He looked proud at being able to make her laugh, even though Katie could tell she didn't find whatever it was all that funny. Tonight, Alerissa was all done up. She had gone for a more natural makeup look, sporting only a noticeable blush color on her lips, and winged eyeliner. Her long black hair was in one single braid. She also had decided to wear her LBD, with black flats to match. Very simple, yet gorgeous.

"Alerissa, hey, thanks for getting a spot," Katie said.

Alerissa turned. "Oh, yeah, this is justice, he saw me and offered to let me stay in line with him," "Kaite, justice, justice, katie,"

"Hi, I'm Katie," Katie reached to shake his hand.

"Hey, I'm justice," he said while smiling at katie.

"Thanks for the spot," Katie said.

"Oh no problem, couldn't let a lovely woman like you wait outside all night could we?"

Katie blushes.

Now they were at the front of the line, and the bouncer checked their Id's and let them in.

Katie whirled on Alerissa.
"Omg, you already found a guy? Good for you!"

Alerissas bronze Hawaiian skin blushed lightly in the dim light of the club. "I-Um- yeah I guess, he was cute, but not my type. Really I was hyping you up. He was totally your type," She admits.

Really, for all of Alerissa's beauty and brains, she gets all the guys, but most don't fit her Prince charming standards. She mostly keeps them for me to see if I like, and if not, they leave us alone. She's a sweetheart like that and I love her for it. Her Hawaiian heritage makes her a beauty, but she never uses it for evil. She's shy, nervous, and sometimes slips into Hawaiian on accident.

"Awwww, you sweetheart, he's a total hottie, thank you!" Katie gushes.

"Well, go talk to him!" Alerissa urges.

"Hun, you're not getting rid of me that easily!" Katie says as she whisks Alerissa to the dance floor.

Alerissa, is, of course, an amazing dancer, but Katie can keep up. Mostly though, Alerissa dances while Katie swings her hips, beautifully, with seductive undertones.

They dance, and dance, song after song, music and laughter blending together magically in a way only certain nights can, when all conditions are right. Those are the nights you don't forget.

Alerissa turned to Katie "Lets grab some drinks at the bar, I've danced enough!" she says.

"Yeah, I feel you, grab a table, I'll grab drinks, ok?" Katie responds.

Alerissa nods and finds a table while Katie heads toward the bar. Only to bump into, none other than Justice.

"Oh, oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!"
Katie says.

Justice turns around, and then breaks into a smile. "Katie right? Alerissa said you were always so graceful, now I'm thinking that was a stretch," justice joked.

Katies cheeks burned red.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I meant it as a joke. Here, I'll get you a drink at the bar as a show of good faith," justice says.

Katie looked at him. "Oh!" She shook her head in relief. "I was heading to the bar anyway though, you're welcome to join," Katie said.

"That I will," he says, and they head toward the bar.

"Hmm... I'll take a rose water wine please," Katie says to the bartender.

Justice ordered coffee patron. After ordering, Justice offered to pay for the drinks. After protesting a little bit, and a dash of teasing, Katie relented and let him pay. She was quite capable of paying herself, but to quote Justice ' paying is the least i can do to make it up to you'
After that, it was a wrap.

"Mhmm," Katie said.

Justice looked at Katie. She had her eyes closed with delight. Her beautiful deep brown skin shimmered in the club's lights, and she looked absolutely gorgeous. He especially loved her deep black eyes. They were piercing, she was a beautiful, intimidating woman. He liked that.

"Looks good," justice said.

"Oh-uh- yeah, it is, thanks for the drink," she said.

He thought her embarrassment was endearing, even though she was incredibly strong, physically and emotionally.

Katie decided she liked justices company, even though he keep catching her off guard and made her keep embarrassing herself. It was fine.

So, they keept laughing, talking, and drinking throughout the night.

"Hey, We should get out of here and go to my place," justice said.

Katie nodded. She definitely wanted to see where he lived and she definitely wanted to see where this would go. "Just let me text alerissa," she said.

Justice nodded and waited.

"Hey, A, justice invited me to his place, will you be fine if I leave?"

"Of course, go have fun you crazy kids," alerssia texted back.

Katie pocketed her phone. "All set," She smiled.

"Great," justice said.

Katie and justice had been in each other's arms, spooning in the small backseat of the cab, all they way to justice's house and had just started kissing when the cab rolled to a stop in front of justice's house.

It was beautiful.

"Woah," Katie breathed.

Justice was standing behind her.

"Yeah, I fell in love with the this house too, and bought it as soon as I saw it," justice said.

They walked upstairs, Katie sliding her hand against the magnificent railing all the way up.

Justice showed her to his bedroom, and he smiled, "Now where were we?" He asked playfully.

Katie closed the space between them. "I believe we were here," she said as she closed her eyes and kissed him.

"Mhm, yes, a good place to be," justice murmmered against her lips.

"Shhh," Katie sighed against his lips.

Katie slowly, lovingly, pulled his shirt off and put her hands through the belt loop of his pants while he took off her shirt. know what happened at the end. Love. History. The start of our story.

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