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Park Jimin's knuckles began to turn white with how hard he was clenching his fists, fingernails possibly bruising crescents into the skin of his palms. His skin was starting to feel cold at the chilled wind passing by, making his sweat feel like ice. He should have dressed up properly, yet he barely had half a mind to properly dress himself in his outing attire once he had recieved his boyfriend's one-sentence call. 'We need to talk,' before abruptly hanging up without another word. As far as Jimin knew he hadn't even done anything fucking wrong. All he ever did was love and praise the older with all of his heart. Yet, maybe that was just it. Maybe, just maybe, he didn't love the older boy enough. Maybe if he had treasured his boyfriend more, loved him harder, made sure that he would never doubt Jimin's feelings for him, than he would not suggest to meet up at the Cafe in such a serious tone. Jimin could practically hear the older male's voice as if he had said it to his face.

"Come on," Someone told him, pulling him by the arm towards the entrance of the cafe. He didn't fight back, though. He knew who this was. His pissed-off-as-hell boyriend. As his boyfriend roughly shoved him into the booth across from where he sat, Jimin did not dare to look up at him. He waited in silence as his boyfriend ordered their usual drinks. He waited in silence as the drinks arrived. He waited in silence as his boyfriend took a sip of his Iced Americano. And then he suddenly felt hot, and wet. He realized his boyfriend had grabbed Jimin's cup of coffee before the younger had a chance, only to splash it across the younger's chest. Jimin hissed in pain. He did not make a scene about it though. He could feel the other customers' eyes on them, and he didn't want to draw any more attention to his boyfriend and himself.

Yoongi released an unpleased scoff, snapping Jimin out of his thoughts. He slowly looked up at his boyfriend with wide eyes, and his hyung shook his head as he sighed heavily. He turned his head to face the younger again and Jimin really wished he hadn't lifted his head up. Yoongi's eyes were puffy and had a pale rose tinge, surronded by bags and dark circles. His cheeks were sunken in almost as if he had lost too much weight. His skin was too pale, and his chapped lips trembled badly. Generally, he looked like he was seriously ill.

"Are you crazy? You must be fucking insane, no?" Yoongi glared at Jimin as he spoke. The younger watched as the older male's fingers twitched against the wooden table, almost as if he was holding back from jerking Jimin by his clothes, or punching Jimin across his face. "In what world would what you did ever be normal?! I mean, what did you think, I would hug and kiss you in graditude? Ask you to do it more often?!"


"Don't." Yoongi growled, after slamming his fist against the table. Jimin jolted in surprise, yet didn't make eye contact this time. Opting for staring at the swirls and cracks in the wood of the table. "D-don't you dare fucking call me that, Park." Park. Jimin's sirname. Or the name Yoongi only ever used against the younger when he was pissed off.


"Let's break up." Yoongi sniffled, ignoring hisstunned and gaping boyfriend to continue. "Listen, you love me, I get that. And I love you so . . . so, fucking much. But the negativity you've drowned us in is soffocating me. And you're way too fucking inclusive, Park. You knew that the trip I was going on was a family vacation. I barely got my parents off my back, and I am still having to find excuses for you to make it seem like you're actually my boyfriend and not my fucking psychopathic stalker. You're such an immature, obsessive, jealous, unrealistic, possesive, and impulsive---" Yoongi shut his eyes closed, his shoulders stiff, before he took a deep breath and continued once again.

"What I'm trying to say here is, I don't want to make this harder on either of us. You're driving me fucking insane, Park!" He dug his face into his hands and heaved heavy sobs. He was crying Jimin realized with a knot forming in his stomach. "I can't even leave my phone on the dresser while I take a shower, before you bombard it with hundreds of calls and text messages. Just because I don't answer your calls or reply to your texts immediately after you send them, doesn't mean that I don't care or that I'm cheating on you or some shit like that."

He then stood, taking his Iced Americano into his hand as he walked over to Jimin. He gently placed the drink in front of the younger, as if he were offering it to him.

"Do us both a favor, Park. Forget me. I've not been feeling too great and I think my depression and social anxiety are comming back stronger than ever these days. Save yourself the trouble of dealing with me." He walked back over to his chair to grab his bag, slinging it over his shoulder, before adjusting his hat and outerwear, and promptly leaving out the wide glass doors. People were staring at Jimin, he knew it. He didn't care. He reached into his pocket and pulled the small soft box out. He picked at the lock and opened it, tracing his thumb over the jewl. He glared bitterly at the expensive ring in extreme distaste. He never did get a chance to propose. It sure did not help a few months later after their depressing break up, when he discovered that his ex boyfriend was dating their childhood best friend Jeon Jungkook.

It was unfortunate, Jimin had thought. How quickly Jungkook was able to poision Yoongi's mind and his heart into existing for the sole purpose of Jungkook. The brunette sighed heavily knocking his head back against the stone wall behind him, and closed his eyes. He felt an uncontrollable lump in his throat at the refreshed memory of Yoongi's beautiful face before they split up. A queasy unsettling feeling in his stomach formed as he remembered how icy cold Yoongi's stare had been when Jimin accidentially told him the truth of what he did when he visited Jungkook's place recently. His chest began to feel tight at the fresh memory of feeling Yoongi fighting back at Jimin with all of his might, just to make sure that Jungkook was still alive and well.

"Mr. Park, I am here to inform you that you are being bailed out. Please step forward." A police officer was keying the lock to get the prison door open, ignoring the shocked and dumbfounded looks the jail cell guards gave him.

"W-what who is it?" Jimin questioned with wide and teary eyes as he stood quickly, his stomach still forming knots of guilt and regret.

"Dunno," The officer shrugged as he unlocked the metal cuffs digging into Jimin's wrists. "I think I heard the name 'Min ' bouncing around though. Jimin felt as though his heart had stopped. He wasn't charged for poisoning anyone, becuase he was efficent in cleaning up the mess he made of his assults against Yoongi. However, he was still charged with the offense of Violent Crime against Jungkook. He remembered overhearing his cell parters on either side of him talking about his bail bond apparently being no more than $50,000. Jimin knew for a fact that his ex boyriend has never seen that much money in his life. If the older boy had somehow managed to bail Jimin out with the money he was always saving up, Jimin was going to have to deny it at all costs. 'I don't fucking deserve it. '

He felt the officers guiding him by his arms suddenly halt their steps, and Jimin's eyes that were trained on the floor could now make out expensive heels. He reluctantly lifted his gaze slowly. And immediately regretted it.

"Jiminie! I missed you so much, baby. Come, fill out the rest of the paperwork. Your parents are waiting."

"N-Noona . . . ? "

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