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       He could feel his body soaking wet, he was drenched in sweat. He could hear his abnormally rasped breathing patterns, could feel his chest rising and falling unevenly. Felt the burn in his throat as the hands around his neck tightened harshly, large tears swelling in his eyes. 'This is it,' Min Yoongi thought to himself. 'I'm going to die, Jimin finally managed to kill me.' He felt broken sobs escaping his lips as the person's (who was choking him) devilish smile widened enough to be considered senile. 'Of course, Jimin is senile himself.'

       "You know," Park Jimin's voice rang into his head, causing an aching pain in his chest. "I always thought you'd be much more of a fighter, too bad . . . . ."

       Min Yoongi finally lost it. He screamed (as much as one could while being choked) squirming and kicking under the younger male's weight. Without any warning, Yoongi's heel connected with Jimin's ribcage, the knee of his other leg knocking into the smaller male's jaw. Jimin stumbled back in surprise, doubling over as Yoongi recovered the air he lost in his lungs. He heard Jimin release a breathless chuckle as he slowly made his way back to the older male. "You're so going to fucking regret that you son of a bitch . . . . ." Jimin threatened almost inaudibly. 

       Suddenly the young man rushed forwards, pulling a gun from his waist and held it firmly against Yoongi's left temple (who was now trembling violently, he could feel himself shaking), using his other hand to tightly grip Yoongi's jaw in his fingers, hard enough to bruise. "I swear to mother fucking god that if you dare to make one more move like the dumb ass shit you pulled earlier . . . . . . . . . ." Jimin slid the gun across the expanse of Yoongi's jaw, until the barrel rested gently rested under his chin. "I'll fucking shoot your brains out. With my gun just like this." Then he put on another one of those crazed smiles like he couldn't help but be pleasured by the sight of his hyung suffering to death, in the most pain he's been in his entire life.

       "Fuck," he wheezed his throat burning like the pits of hell, dryer than the Sahara Desert. "Fuck . . . fuck, you."

       "Jeon Jungkook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . you're fucking dead to me." BANG!


       "Jungkook-ah!" Min Yoongi screamed bolting upright, panting heavily as tears fell down his cheeks, raspy sobs escaping his lips, as someone rushed to him with a surgical mask, and familiar sparkling brown eyes. He knew this man, this man was his best friend, his doctor. He couldn't remember his name though . . . . .

       "Yoongi-ah, try your best to hang in there, yeah?" The familiar voice of the medical assistant sounded. He knew the nurse too, they were actually quite close . . . . . 

       Yoongi's eyelids felt heavy, drooping slowly as he tried his best to keep them open, however his chest hurt like fucking hell, and he could barely breathe. "I-I want--" Yoongi coughed feeling like a 16-wheeler truck slammed into his chest. "I-- want to see my-my dad, please . . ." but before he could say more, his eyes closed and his head dropped. He could hear the doctor sending someone for back up. Then ordering the medical assistant to contact Yoongi's dad. Doctor . . . . . doctor . . . Song? No, that didn't sound right. How about Nurse . . . . . . . was it Hwang? Nope, definitely not. Why couldn't he remember? Now he had trouble picturing his dad, he didn't even remember his name. Come to think of it, the young man couldn't remember his own name. Shit. The only face and name he could significantly remember was Park Jimin's. How fucking ironic. The one person he wanted to forget. He then felt guilty for feeling that way.

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