Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The next morning Luke fretted over leaving me alone in the house while he went to the shops to buy some food. I told him to stop worrying and that I'd be fine.

That was until someone knocked on the door.

I barely heard it as I was in the kitchen but Luke had warned me to not open the door to anyone. I bit my lip unsure weather to open the door while I put some toast in the toaster and got out a can of beans. I was starving. I shooed Dog off the worktop as she tried to sniff what was in the toaster. I turned on the radio and slid around the kitchen in my socks as my foot was finally out of its cast from when I tripped over the amp. I started to make myself breakfast.

'Hey, Rowan'  It was Skylar.

'Hey.' I got the feeling he was nearby. That was weird. 'Where are you?'

'I'm outside your door. Let me in?' I looked down at myself. Again I was wearing a grey top with only underwear and my hair looked like I had just stuck my finger in an electric socket. He seriously had to stop coming round when I looked like this.

'Okay,' I sighed inwardly, 'I've only just woken up though.'  I walked to the door. I opened it a fraction of the way and peeked out. Skylar stood there and when he saw me his face broke out into a massive grin. I opened the door all the way.

"Hey," He said smiling. How did boys get up in the morning and look effortlessly perfect? He pulled me in for a hug. He smelt of lynx, a chocolate masculine smell. We stood there for a few minutes in each others arms until I scrunched up my nose smelling burning.

"Shit," I whispered and ran back into the house. I popped some extremely singed toast out of the toaster. Skylar chuckled behind me. "Do you want some?" I asked while getting out a plate.

"Sure," He replied looking round my kitchen. I placed one slice of toast on each plate and covered it in beans. I placed the plate down on the table in front of him.

"Anything to drink?" I asked him as I poured myself some water.

"No thanks." Dog was winding herself round his legs and he was stroking her a smile on his face. I noticed that he had little dimples when he smiled. "Who's this?" He said as Dog hopped onto his lap.

I then realized how completely and utterly stupid the name would sound when I said it aloud. "Um Dog," I said. "My niece named her." He smiled.

"Zoe isn't it? Tanya mentioned her last night," I nodded. We ate in silence for a few minutes. "I was wondering If you wanted to come over to mine this afternoon?" He looked up at me, "You can meet my dad, have dinner at ours and we can go for a walk or watch a movie." Part of me told me to say no. But a huge part of me wanted to say yes. And looking at the hopeful expression on his face I couldn't say no.

"Okay." A massive smile broke out onto his face.

"Great. I'll wait here while you get ready then we can go." I ran upstairs to grab some clothes and after debating for five minutes what to wear I was about to grab my All Time Low ghosts t-shirt when I realized.

Skylar had asked me on a date.

So I then decided I would make an effort and wear my little black dress with blue flowers the colour of the tips of my hair. I also then placed some blue rose earrings in my first piercing brushed my hair and left it loose down my back, grabbed my phone and ran downstairs, where Skylar was talking to Luke. I gave Luke a hug goodbye, slipped on my blue converse and then we left.

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