Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I heard something click behind me and I quickly ducked just as another arrow lodged itself in the wall where my arm would have been.

"LUKE!" I screamed breathing heavily. I counted to ten. "SKYLAR!" I was crouched down behind my sofa the sound of my heartbeat ringing in my ears. Two people crashed into my room.

"Take her downstairs." Luke. Luke was here. Thank god. Someone else swept me into their arms and carried me downstairs.

"Rowan, baby, are you okay?" They placed me on the sofa and I looked up blinking my eyes free of the tears I didn't know they were holding. Skylar stood in front of me.

"Skylar?" I barley managed to croak out.

"Hey, hey," He said wiping a tear from my eye, "We really need to stop meeting like this." He grinned and then frowned. "The arrow didn't get you did it?"

"No I...Iuhmuhhh," I slurred. The world started to sway from side to side. All I heard was Skylar mutter 'shit' before I fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of hushed voices. I went to sit up but a pain shot through my right arm.

"Ow," I complained to nobody in particular.

"Tan, her arm's been numbed, I think." Who's voice was that? I searched around in my memory but the only thing that came up was a cat. I groped around in my mind for something, anything, else. Guitar? I liked playing that. I ran it through my mind. C chord... finger one on the B string first fret etc.. yeah, yeah, I could remember that. So who did the voice belong to? I opened my eyes to try and recognize the face. A man. Hmm nope, couldn't remember him.

Wait, I needed to use my gift. I needed to search for his intentions.

I need to help my sister. She was grazed by a poison arrow. A poison arrow?

Sherlock.The open window. The arrows. It all came flooding back. But who was he? I looked deeper.

...need to help my my sister...sister... Oh my god! It was Luke! I snapped out of the trance I was in and my memory came flooding back.

"Luke!" I cried, "Luke, what happened?" The memories of the arrows were back and stronger than ever.

"Ro, stay calm." That was Tanya's voice. "We're driving over to the lab tomorrow to find out what the hell was in that arrow. The Biochemistry block is near the Geochemistry block so I think I can get Alec to take a look at this." She placed the plastic bag with the two arrows in her handbag. Tanya was a Geo-chemist and worked at a huge lab in London. Chiltern was very close to London so the lab was only a 15 minute train ride away. "The effects only seem to be a numbing of the arm."

"And memory loss." I said "I couldn't remember who Luke was for a minute."

Tanya exhaled a long breath. "Who hates your guts that bad?" Tanya asked looking at me with disbelief in her eyes.

"I bet it was that Skylark bastard." Growled Luke from the opposite end of the sitting room. He looked extremely angry like a lion pacing a cage ready to escape at any moment.

"I think it's Skylar? Of course he wouldn't do such a thing." Said Tanya raising her eyebrows and smiling, trying to make light of the situation. Even I had to smile. "Now, I've made you hot chocolate and brought you down a blanket." Tanya draped a blanket over me. "Skylar-" I cut her off.

"Don't you mean Skylark?" I asked, my face deadly serious. Tanya chuckled.

"Yes, Sky-laarr," She said emphasizing the name, "is coming with his father, who is a healer. He should be able to take the worst of the pain off your arm." I bit my lip. I thought I could just live a normal life without complications but everything was spiralling downhill again. "Here, now. It'll all be okay."

"I'll be okay for the Band Act performance wont I?" I looked up at Tanya.

"Sure you will." Tanya gave me a hug and went into the kitchen to comfort Luke.

There was a knock on the door. "Hello? Rowan?" Before I had I chance to get up and untangle myself from the blanket Tanya had walked over to the door. Skylar stood at the door with a man slightly shorter than him. Though they didn't look very similar, you could tell they were related as they had the same dark brown eyes.

"Hello," Tanya smiled and shook hands with Skylars father. "I'm Tanya."

"Joshua." He smiled a genuine warm smile like Skylar. He came and sat down beside me. "This is your lady Skylar?" He had a faint Australian accent. I couldn't help my curiosity.

"Are you Australian?" He chuckled.

"Can you not tell an Aussie from a Kiwi?"

"Um, no?" What was he on about?

"I'm from New Zeland. So Skylar has a bit of kiwi in him don't you?" He looked up at his son with fondness in his eyes. "And he also has some-"

"Okay dad, are you going to help Rowan?" Skylar ground out, his teeth gritted. He looked angry and I guessed he didn't want to hear the rest of that sentence. His dad simply nodded his head. He took my arm and placed his hand where the arrow had grazed me. I felt a sensation like pins and needles.

"The numbing of the arm is probably linked to the the fact that the muscle was easily accesible as the tip did go in a bit further than visible. You should be able to fully feel your arm in about 10 minutes."

He gave me a small smile, if you could call it that, then left without another word.

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