Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I woke up breathing heavily. Someone was at my window.

"ROWAN!" There was a black figure at my window. How did they get on the roof? I walked over to the window oddly calm. Instinct told me not to be scared. I undid the bolt and slid open my window.

"Help me in?" Skylar was sitting on my roof. What was he doing here at two in the morning? And how on earth did he get on my roof? Not questioning him I gave him my hand, realizing seconds to late I only had one foot to stand on. I fell backwards pulling Skylar through the window. We both ended up on the floor.

Well, this was awkward.

He didn't land on top of me thank goodness, just beside me. We lay there and the only sound I could hear was his breathing. I broke the silence.

"What are you doing here?" I turned my head to look at him to find him looking at me with his deep brown eyes.

Keep it together Ro!

"I couldn't sleep." He closed his eyes and sighed. "I needed to be with you." Well that was kind of soon. I hadn't even known I was his soulfinder for 24 hours yet he needed to be with me. Crikey. I then became aware of my appearance. I only had on a long black t-shirt and underwear. My hair was sticking out in all directions and I had no makeup on. I looked like a mess.

"No you don't." I looked at him and narrowed my eyes. You look beautiful." What was he on about? "I can read minds," He explained, "but my main gift is auras. I can see your emotions. But your sheilds were pretty strong before so I couldn't read your mind then. I can see you're embarrassed." He laughed, a soft chuckle.

To right I was embarrassed! Goodness knows what he had heard. I felt something tickle my hand and I realized it was his fingertips. His fingers laced with mine. I felt like the floor had dropped away and I was floating in my own little bubble. Nothing in the world mattered but him. Eventually I fell into a deep sleep, my fingers entwined with his.


"RO! I'M MAKING CHOCOLATE BAGELS!" Tanya yelled from downstairs, jolting me out of my sleep. I lifted my head up my eyes blurry. Why was I on the floor?


He was lying beside me still sleeping. I looked at his muscular frame. Well, I had to admit he wasn't bad looking. I looked upwards at his face. Aww, he looked adorable while he slept. I bet I didn't, I probably snored. Poor Skylar, getting stuck with me as a soulfinder.

If he was my soulfinder.

I looked at the clock on my desk. It was almost ten thirty. But what was I going to do about Skylar? I looked up at my bed. Dog was lounging on it looking like she owned the place.

"What am I gonna do?" I muttered to Dog. Getting Skylar awake would be a start. I realized I could have a lot of fun with this. A lot of fun. Filling my Bands Over Boys cup up with icy cold water I tiptoed back to my room and poured it over his head.

"Argh!" Skylar coughed and spluttered, "Who did that?" I stood over him smiling. That was fun.

"ROWAN! THEY'RE GETTING COLD!" Tanya called. Shit shit shit. I needed to get Skylar out of my room and fast!

"Skylar" I hissed turning round.

"Already gone," He grinned. He was already dressed, and inching himself along the roof. His hair and his clothes were soaked and it wasn't particularly warm outside. "I might see you later though."

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