Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

It was two weeks before band act and we were starting to rehearse on stage.

"Right everyone!" Mr D strolled into the music hall waving his paper full hands dramatically. "Today is the first day of stage rehearsals! So I have a stack of" At this point he slammed a huge pile of papers down on the piano which made El wince, "programs! Are you all excited now? So- Josie hand these out for me- if you look at your program you can see where you are in the running order! In a minute we're heading over to the main school hall to practice and we have Marcus on lighting and we all know how fabulous his lighting is. I've got a backstage crew," He waved to the back of the room and we saw a bunch of boys and Stephanie and her gang (there to bunk lessons I guessed). "They will be helping with the amps and mics. I need you all to decide on costumes and bring them in tomorrow. I might have got permission from the head to let you all out an hour early into Chiltern so you can go shopping!"

"Girl Power's opportunity to get a starbucks," I muttered to Soph.

"Expect Topshop selfies later on," She replied and we both laughed.

"And for the real thing," Mr D continued "I have got us a small dressing room per band which the Beaks Arts Theatre did not give up easily! And yes we are performing, not in the dull old school hall but BEAKS ARTS THEATRE! Think how many celebrities have performed on that stage!" Beaks Art Theatre?! El looked shocked. Hayley looked like she was about to explode. Soph almost choked on her cereal bar. "Now we're going to practice in the school hall to make sure you're up to tip top standard. Are you ready?" And however cheesy it was, out of pure excitement we all shouted YES right back at him.

Hayley, El, Soph and I all sat down in our seats. We were second to last on the program. The hall doors swung open at the back. Mr Vayner, pronounced van-er, our elderly biology teacher came into the hall.

"Hello girls, boys, where is your teacher?" He croaked.

"He's hella creepy." El whispered to me. I pulled a face. He disappeared round the back of the stage.

When it got to our turn we took our places on the stage. Hayley stood at the front her vocals echoing around the school hall. I loved the sound of the chords floating out of the massive amp. The power of the drums was amazing and the bass just completed the harmony.


The voice entered my head and I felt like something had exploded inside of me. I whirled round to see who had just shouted my name. The massive 7 foot amp was falling down and I was right in front of it. Everything went in slow motion.

"WATCH OUT!" I screamed to Hayley El and Soph. I dived to the left wincing as I came down on the guitar. My head crashed against the side of the stage.

Thank you. I replied to the voice.

Then everything went black.

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