Unconciously Flirting

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I had realized something ever since I was young that I don't know if it should be a gift or a talent, but I flirt with pretty much everyone around me. It doesn't sound big, but it's big to me.

Like I could be talking to a group of strangers and just start flirting with someone. Not intentionally, might I add.

One time, I remember my friends saying that I flirted with all of them before. I started thinking about it and


I really did flirt with all of them. Not a few but all. And that just blew my mind cause I didn't even know until someone pointed it out.

Nowadays, I try to refrain from flirting ,and I suck at doing that. Like I'll notice that I just flirted with somebody only to realize afterwards that I was meant to refrain.

I honestly don't think I should refrain because flirting really keeps the conversation going and it seems pretty harmless to me. But there are people who could feel uncomfortable with my flirting or could take it the wrong way.

I remember getting in trouble back in elementary because I flirted with someone in my friend group who happened to be a girl. And that was considered weird to her. I didn't see the problem back then and I still don't see it now. Plus, it was only a pick up line that I saw online something like " are you from tennesse, cause you're the only ten I see".

But other than that she told the teacher and I got a call home for flirting with a girl and then flipping the bird at her. I didn't mean to flip the bird on her though. I know it seems suspicous that I didn't know a lot back then, but believe me, I was an extremely stupid kid!

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