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I feel like adding labels to things defeat the purpose of wanting/needing equal rights. I mean if equality meant labels then segregation was full of freedom if you really think about it. Hint: That was sarcasm ,so don't get up in arms about what I said.

 But really, Labels are just putting more strain on the freedom and equality you want so much! I mean, I'm not talking about a specific party but more like everyone. 

I mean we are all humans! Even if you are not human, show some love. Labels don't bring love. You bring the humanity. You change the way we are viewed. Don't spread the blame! Instead , be responsible for what you blame. We aren't the same. We don't believe the same things. If you have a group, great! 

You feel welcomed by that group and loved by them, right? So be happy! Just don't ruin things for others just because they aren't in the same group.

I mean enjoy life ,right? Mistakes happen, no one is perfect. All that jazz!

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