Don't touch me

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Let me tell you about a global phenomenon that is causing harm to everyone. It is called " no personal space". People everyday get touched by others when they had no business ,too. I happen to suffer from this,as well. I am here to tell you my story.

The day I was born

I was minding my own business in the apartment I found called 'The Womb'. I was shoved out by this man in white. He had the nerve. The Audacity! To touch me. I felt so assaulted. It has lived with me to this day.

There is another story that I would like to share. My sister said " get out of my seat". I didn't see her name ,so I didn't get up. Little did I know ,She would poke me. She poked me over and over. Until I finally got up and couldn't handle the abuse anymore. I have other stories to painful to share right now. Maybe later ,though.

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