My Ice cream~

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Okay so I'm a bit pissed about something right now and I just have to share this story to really get it out of my system.

I went to the hair salon with my hair stylist, but right before I went to her car ,my sister called me to ask for dairy queen. She wanted chicken tenders and fries, nothing else.

I get done with my hair and then ask to go dairy queen. I get what my sister asked for and got something for me ,too. A burger ,fries, and an ice cream.

The difference between our orders was only the ice cream. She didn't ask for no ice cream, remember that.

I come home with everything , gave my sister her food , and went away for one minute. One minute was enough for my ice cream to not be in the same place as it was, and I asked her where my ice cream was and it's in her room. This is basically our conversation:

Sister: Why do you get ice cream ,but I don't?

Me: Because you never asked.

Sister: That's not fair! I should at least get half!

Me: Why should you get some if you didn't ask while I was there!?

Sister: Give me half! You're so selfish not giving me some!

At that point, my anger started to rise. And I know I have a bit of an anger issue lately, so I scooped up half of my ice cream into my mouth and gave her the rest of it.

I sat it down right in front of her with a spoon for her to eat it. Instead, she asked me for the receipt instead of eating the fucking ice cream I gave her.

Sister: Give me half! You don't deserve any more than I do!

Me: It's right fucking there!

Then my mother walks into the room and sits down next to my sister and starts to watch. She saw the ice cream and picks it up to eat it. While my mom is doing that, my sister is still screaming "let me see the receipt".

Me: Mom!

Mom: What?

Me: Can you please give her the ice cream?

Mom: I'm already eating it, tho.

It only got worse when my baby nephew came into the room and started crying for some of my fries.

Sister: See! You made the baby cry because of you're selfishness!

I had enough by then ,so I gave the kids some fries, gave the receipt to my sister , and tried to make a break for my room to calm down.

Update: I can hear my sister banging on things saying she was right. I don't know what she is right about ,though.

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