Chapter 20

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Amy’s POV:


Dad pulled the van up to Children’s Hospital’s main entrance. I took a few deep breaths as he stopped the car, took the wheelchair out, and helped me in. Mom got out of the car a second later and walked beside us as Dad wheeled me inside.


I liked coming here, but I hated it. I liked it because I wasn’t the only one in a wheelchair (by far) so I didn’t stand out like I did at other public places. But I hated it because it made me feel bad about myself.


Let me try and explain…I spend the whole drive worrying if my bone has grown enough when at the hospital, there are kids facing way worse problems. I always feel sorry for myself about my current condition but when I come here, there are bald kids with oxygen tubes smiling and skipping around.


It just makes me feel guilty, you know?


We entered the building and turned to the left to the elevators like we always did. I could find my way to the fourth floor in my sleep.


The elevator doors began to close, then abruptly opened. “Sorry,” a woman said. She wheeled a wheelchair inside and said, “Floor 3, please.”


My dad pressed the three button and we made our way up. I tried to subtly look at the other kid in the other wheelchair. He had a huge oxygen tube that went in his nose and wrapped around his ears. It was attached to his wheelchair.


I quickly looked away when I also realized-he had no legs.


We reached the third floor and his mom pushed his chair off. I looked at the floor 3 sign and it said cardiology.


(A/N: Idk if cardiology is a real hospital ward but ya)


Wow. Not only did this kid have breathing problems and no legs, but he also had some sort of heart condition. And I thought I had it bad.


For some reason, I felt tears stinging the backs of my eyes and I blinked them back. Inside my head, I told myself Hey. I have it good. I know there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, I know I can walk. I just don’t know when. But it will happen.


With a better attitude already, we cruised onto the fourth floor, checked in (the lady at the front desk knew me already and today she said, “Amy! Looking good, girl! I got you checked in already.”), and sat down in the waiting room.


Soon enough, a nurse called my name and took me to get my X-ray. I was surprised how easily and painlessly I moved onto the X-ray table now. That first X-ray, the day I fell, was the worst pain ever. Now I almost hop on and carefully position myself the way I always do.


She wheeled me back to the exam room, where we waited and waited for Dr. Morrison. When he finally entered the room, he was smiling. I took that as a good sign, but I told myself not to worry if he brought bad news.


He said hi and shook all her hands, then logged into the computer to bring up the X-ray images.

Yes, No, Maybe So: A Cimorelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now