Chapter 16

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Dani’s POV:

Going back to school on Monday was really hard and kind of scary. I’d had a fun weekend with no negative thoughts, thanks to Lisa. But it ended all too soon and I was terrified to go back to the place where no one liked me.

But the day wasn’t too bad. Of course Brittany insulted me any time she could, but instead of letting her bring me down for the whole day, I just ignored her and walked away.

Tuesday morning, I wasn’t dreading school as much. Christina dropped Lauren and I off and I confidently walked into the school. But once I reached my locker, Brittany’s friend Lanie said to me, “Hi, Dan the Man.”

She laughed. My heart sank. Shake it off, I told myself. Ignore. Just ignore them. I pretended I didn’t hear her and reached for my English binder.

Lilly walked up to her locker. “Hey, Dani!”

I smiled, relieved to finally see a friendly face. “Hi, Lilly.”

After she shut her locker, Lilly said, “Wanna walk to gym together?”

I nodded. “Of course, thanks.”

We walked down the hall. ‘Dan the man’ insults flew at me, people whispered and pointed, someone even tried to trip me. I did my best to ignore them, staring straight ahead.

“Fatso,” someone whispered.

“Leave her alone!” Lilly yelled.

“Yeah, leave her alone.”

I looked around. Who else besides Lilly would stick up for me?

Rose, Lilly’s twin, had joined us. She smiled and I smiled gratefully back.

We continued downstairs. With Lilly and Rose on either side of me, I didn’t feel so alone. I guess now everyone could stop calling me a loner.

During the walk to gym, nobody tried to talk to me at all. I think they saw me with Lilly and Rose and didn’t even want to try.

“Bye, Rose!” I said as Rose went another way to her first class. Lilly and I walked into the girls locker room. Brittany, Ariana and Gabby were standing there as if they were waiting for me.

“Excuse me,” I said, because they were in the way of the door. When they didn’t budge, I did something I normally wouldn’t and shoved my way through.

As I walked to my gym locker, I could hear Brittany saying, “Hey, Gabby, did you hear anything?”

“I don’t think so,” Gabby replied. “I felt a little push, but I have no clue where it came from.”

“Whoever just walked by was clearly invisible then!” Ariana added, and they all burst into laughter.

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