"Would you care to have one Mrs Mantle?" Roselle spoke out, handing the basket at the ladies' direction. The Mantle women smiled gratefully at the Parker teenager before grabbing a piece and taking a generous bite.

"Please, call me Melinda." The Korean lady smiled at the teenager as her taste buds swarmed with the Nutella goodness. "Mrs. Mantle is my mother in law."

Roselle nodded, before her eyes looked behind Melinda at the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. Her heart started thumping as she realised that this was it, she was finally going to speak to Reggie. "Mom who are you talking to-"

Reggie stopped before he looked at Roselle with an unknown look. Melinda looked at the pair before grabbing the basket from Roselle's hands and quickly scurrying out the way to give them privacy. It seemed like hours had passed before Roselle had finally said something.

"Reggie." The raven haired girl quietly mumbled as she played with her fingers. Reggie adjusted his jacket, but maintaining eye contact with Roselle in disbelief. "I wanted to talk."

"Well I don't." Reggie replied harshly before grabbing his school bag from the table beside the door and walking out of the house, bumping Roselle's shoulder on the way.

"I got you roses!" Roselle desperately tried to stop him, which she succeeded at but not in the way she had wanted to. His body did a quick, but angry 360. His body language was everything to do with furious, while his eyes drowned in hurt.

"Roses aren't going to fix it this time." Reggie spoke, tightening his grip on his bag. Roselle bit her bottom lip, feeling small at his blazing glare. "So you're going to have to give me the best damn reason for me to even consider forgiving you."

"Because you're the most nicest and forgiving friend?" Roselle wiggled her eyebrows playfully, nudging Reggie in the shoulder. This however didn't work, making Reggie only roll his eyes in response and turn around to storm off again. "Wait!"

Reggie let out a massive sigh before turning back around with an annoyed look in his eyes. Yet there was something else in his eyes, a feeling where he desperately wanted to hear Roselle finally be open about herself. "I'm waiting."

Roselle looked a bit stunned, her voice catching in her throat. She wanted to yell at him, cry, tell him everything but she couldn't. So she slowly closed her eyes, shaking her head. "I can't do this."

Reggie rolled his eyes once again, letting out a scoff. "Figures." He muttered, making Roselle raise an eyebrow.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Roselle questioned, putting a hand on her hip as she glared at the Mantle boy. Reggie let out a sarcastic smile before marching up to her.

"It means that as soon as you find out a stupid flaw about someone, you start running away because you want someone perfect." Reggie harshly spoke out as he pointed an accusatory finger at her. "But as soon as you show one little flaw, as soon as you make a mistake, you can never own up to it."

"It's not like that." Roselle shook head, putting her arms down angrily. "It's just sometimes I have a hard time expressing how I feel."


"Why what?" Roselle yelled at him, crossing her arms together as they both glared competitively at each other.

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