Chapter 4

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Screaming, it seems that all I ever hear now is blood freezing screaming at ungodly hours of the night. "I'm coming baby, I know, I'm coming," I say as I roll over and grab peacemaker. Just as I stand up to stop the screaming it stops. My blood runs cold, why would she just stop? I sneak down the hallway to see a shadow holding my baby. I walk up behind them gun raised.

"Stand down Wynonna, it is only me," Doc says

"Doc, how the hell did you get in the house?" I say as I put peacemaker down on the changing station and walk over to them.

"I never left." He says as he rocks Alice back and forth settling her. "I was in the barn when I heard her scream, so I climbed the side of the house to see what was the matter, and here we are."

"I'm sorry I forgot that you live in the barn, wait I thought you moved out when you bought the bar?"

"I did, but ever since this little angel was born I sleep close by," he says facing me. When he turns around, I allow the cheesiest grin to come across my face that I was hiding before. Something about the way he cares for Alice just put a smile on my face. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Alice starts to fuss again.

"She might need to be changed and be feed again. Which do you want to do?"

"I'll change her and then leave you two alone for the night." He says making his way to the changing table "Can you move peacemaker?" he says eyeballing me. to my surprise, it took up the entire table.

"yea, sorry about that, I'll go downstairs and warm up a bottle for her." I turn around and start down the stairs until I hear something.

it took me by surprise, it sounded like singing. It was a song that I had never heard before, then I heard him say "my mother used to sing this to me when I was a sad or upset" then he started again. A smile crept back on my face, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. He really does have a heart under all that mustache.

I returned with a warm bottle to see that doc throwing up out the open window. Alice is just laughing. I walk over to see a very mild diaper. "The greatest gunslinger alive, defeated by a dirty baby diaper. You know you made this I don't see the problem you have with it." I say laughing with my baby girl as I finished changing Alice's diaper.

Doc stands up in an attempt to redeem his pride, but Alice and I just shake our heads. "I do recall the creation of this angle," he says with a devilish smile "But how can something so cute create something so vial."

I look at him, but his eyes are fixated on Alice. I look out the window and see the sun peaking over the horizon. "Hey the sun is coming up, how about you feed her."

"no that's all right, it is probability cold by now. I'll just let you feed her, the um natural way." He looked at me for approvement, I think. He is always so awkward when it comes to baby things. Don't get me wrong he is great with Alice, but when it comes to the stuff, like diapers, breastfeeding, and pacifiers, he is so lost. "I'll go into town and pick up some donuts and coffee."

"Okay, make sure to get the one that has,"

"Bacon on it, right? Anything else?"

"Oh, no that's it. I'll see you soon,"

"I'll be back faster than you can say 'Where'd he go,'" he said to Alice like he was playing peek-a-boo as he went down the stairs and left. Why is he trying so hard, I can't hate him since I started seeing how Alice changed him, because of her he just wants to be better. That, and that mustache he has.



I wake up the sound of Nicole's ringtone. I don't realize that I'm on her chest until she tries to reach her phone without disturbing me. she answered her phone her voice alone made me fall in love all over again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2018 ⏰

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