Layla: "I know you are, but you might want to buckle up Buttercup!" I said playfully.

Naoto: "Cocky?" he said, shocked. "I like that." He smiled. "I'm not going to go easy on you then," he whispered in my ear.

Every last nerve in my body felt electrified by how he whispered in my ear. His words lit a spark in me, and without his knowledge, he flipped a switch in me, which is only accessed by alcohol or insanely hot men. I took care of the alcohol part, and he most definitely took care of the latter.

I ran my hand up the back of his neck into his hair and pulled him closer to whisper into his ear.

Layla: "I was hoping you wouldn't." I whispered then smiled at him as I led him onto the dance floor.

The song made a smooth transition from Maria Maria to Wild Thoughts. I felt a little bad for him because he had no idea how much trouble he was about to get himself in. Not only was I liquored up, turned on, and looking for trouble, but my spirit animal was playing. YASSS Rihanna!

We moved through the crowd effortlessly while I grooved and put on a show for him. I ran my hands up and down my figure, feeling the beat as I swayed freely to the music. I shyly began to mouth the words to the song before glancing up at Naoto, who's gaze was set firmly on me. His intense stare rattled through my body as he drew closer and closer. Before I knew it, I was up against a wall. He was now so close I could feel the heat from his body on me, and his eyes kept it the same intensity as before, making me breathless. Unable to catch my breath as I looked into his eyes, I quickly turned around to face the wall, finally breaking our eye contact. Just as my breathing settled, I felt his hands on my hips and the pressure of his body behind me, then I felt the sweet chill of his breath on my neck. Impulsively, I covered my flustered face.

He chuckled against my ear, sending chills down my spine.

Naoto: "Oh, don't get all shy on me now. You were all big talk a minute ago." he whispered in my ear, with a hint of a tease lingering in his voice. "Come on, give me all you got," he said, turning my hips so I could face him.

His taunt was his first mistake for the night, Naoto should have never done that. I was the perfect formula for trouble.


When the beat drop before the guitar solo played, I kicked into gear. I quickly swapped places with Naoto, slamming my hand against the wall that I now had him backed against, then mouthed the words 'when I'm with you, all I get is wild thoughts.' As soon as the first chord of the guitar hit, I turned around and put in work. I swear Rihanna would have been so proud of me. Naoto didn't skip a beat, putting his hand on my hips to make sure he kept pace with my waist.

Rihanna's voice always brought out the worst in me. When Rihanna plays, I always turn into a high-class stripper, which is only made worst when I'm intoxicated. I was basically dropping it, shaking it, flipping it, and dropping it again. Naoto and I made a good pair because when Bryson Tiller's verse came on, he tag-teamed with me and proceeded to show me why he's famous for dancing. After trying to keep tempo with him, he pulled me closer so we could dance face to face. While we dirty danced, I felt the desperate urge to do something I shouldn't.

I probably won't ever see him again. Hell, he's famous, I most definitely won't ever see him again. ' Should I just go for it?' I questioned myself. 'I never do anything out of the norm. I'm going to do it.' I fought myself.

Layla: "I hope you don't take this the wrong way." I said, looking at his lips.

Naoto furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

Layla: "But I..." I said before I kissed him. I felt a bit of hesitation at first, but then he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back.

'HOLY CRAP! HE'S A GREAT KISSER.' I thought, thoroughly enjoying our kiss. As he passionately kissed me, my body heated up, then burst into flames when his kiss moved to my neck. In that instance, I knew I needed him tonight.

Layla: "Naoto, we should get out of here." I said after pulling away from his kiss.

He nodded, then he took me by the hand and headed to the door. Before we could get too far, he stopped and put me to sit.

Naoto: "I'll be right back."

I wanted to ask him where he was going, but a wave of tiredness hit me like a wall, so I just nodded.

'I'm so tired. I'm just going to rest my eyes for a minute.' I thought, cuddling up in a chair. "Takanori, where are you?" I said, wishing he was with me.

Takanori: "Hey, what's wrong?" I felt a warm hand soothing my back. I open my eyes to see three Takanori's.

Layla: "Takanori, I'm drunk. I'm sorry. Are you mad at me, cuz this isn't my fault?" I said, trying to explain myself. "Zach, you're such a dick," I said, arguing with an imaginary ex.

Takanori: "Okay, crazy lady. Let's get you home." he said, lifting me.

Layla: "See, this is why I like you." I said, smiling at Takanori. "Zach can go kiss my a......" I was interrupted by Takanori before I could finish my sentence.

Takanori: "Alright, alright, calm down. You're going to make me drop you." he said, carrying me.

Layla: "And you know what, Zach. You don't have super hot Japanese men all over you so...Suck it!" I yelled.

Takanori: "Japanese! Please speak Japanese, Layla. I have no clue what you're saying in English." Takanori pleaded with me.

Layla: "I hate guys. They're so. Too much!" I said, frustrated.

Takanori: "Nevermind, go back to English." he said, putting me in the passenger seat before he strapped me in.

Layla: "You're the best." I said, putting my hand on his cheek.

Takanori: "I thought you said you hate guys."

Layla: "I do, but I like you." I said, curling up in the chair to sleep. I felt a gentle kiss on my forehead moments later.

Takanori: "Sleep well, my little troublemaker." he said, closing the door.

Exiled (AmBw)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora