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Hey guys!! Nice to see y'all again :)

QOTC: what's the longest you've gone without sleep?

I'd say I've gone about a full day without sleep. I love sleep too much so I don't do it willingly lol

* * * * *

WE ALL SILENTLY WALKED back to the BiFrost. The tension was unbearable, so I quickly thought about seeing Tony to brighten my mood. I'd have to get used to seeing them all again and I don't know how well I'm going to be able to do that.

Especially after the fight with Malekith and my second near-death experience, facing them is going to be a challenge. I can't tell them that I was hurt in the battle or else I'd never be allowed to leave ever again.

Not that they actually have the ability to stop me from leaving, I'm twenty-three I have custody over myself, I just wouldn't want to leave on a bad note once again with Tony.

The first time was already hard enough.

"Tessa... I, in no way, mean this offensively, and I'm sure it's a sensitive topic at the moment, but do you by any chance know who in the hell that was?!" Thor confronted me as soon as we made it back to Heimdall's dome.

Heimdall quickly walked back to his sword in the middle of the room and gripped it. I could tell he did it for reassurance. I noticed his body tense for a couple seconds and I assumed he was looking through the universe trying to understand what just happened.

With no energy left, I let out a small sigh as I stared at the floor. "I think it was my father-"

"Your father?!"

Heimdall looked over to us as Thor's loud voice boomed throughout the room.

I winced at the volume.

"I don't know how Clio knows him though...all I know is that I left you to go talk with her. As soon as she stopped walking she was on the ground begging me to take her back to Earth with me. That she can't stand living here anymore and all she wants is a new start. But I'm going back to get away from all of this, not a permanent reminder sitting on a couch with me. I tried to tell her that I couldn't and then all of a sudden she got angry with me and all of a sudden time freaking stopped. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't hear, I couldn't move, I-" I had to take a breath. My lungs felt as if they were about to cave in.

"Then all of a sudden that man- my father -showed up and then I couldn't see anymore. I couldn't do anything; I was completely helpless. I just... I don't understand what just happened at all I just want to go home." My voice cracked and I shed a couple tears immediately.

Thor nodded as he stared at me, his face completely crushed.

"I'm glad that you stayed Tessa. You helped destroy Malekith and for that I am grateful. My father is as well. I am so sorry that this life has come to you... no one deserves any of this. Especially you. You've taken it all in so well and we are all proud of you, no matter what." Thor smiled sadly before he continued. "And now with Loki gone....I hope that you will find a way to manage. I'm sure you will. You'll be surrounded by many people that love you no matter what, and I hope you'll find some comfort in that."

I nodded, letting his words soak into my brain that I knew I'd forget.

He's sleeping.

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