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Tessa's POV

AS SOON AS I APPEARED IN front of the waterfall, I couldn't help but burst out in tears. I sobbed quietly as I tried to register and accept everything that had just happened.

This was it. This was supposed to be the last time I use my powers, the last time I speak to any of these people, the last time I get answers to my questions...

I guess in the end I got what I wanted.

Just like always.

But at what cost?

Of course, Tessa got what she wanted, but for the price of two lives who cared about her.

Tessa got her answers.

I keep doing this. I keep making selfish decisions and they cause the people around me to die.

Why haven't I learned my lesson?

Maybe I really should find somewhere to stay away from everyone I love. Death just follows me.

I can't go back home and hurt Steve or Tony. I can't bring this destruction to their lives.

Maybe I really should surrender myself to Thanos so he can take my powers. Maybe, just maybe, I will survive and be a normal person after that. Hopefully that is all he will want from me, and let me go.

I am many things, though, but I'm not naive.

I will make a decision when I get home, but for right now I need to get the hell out of here.

I drowned out my thoughts as I ran through the waterfall, getting completely soaked. I came face to face with the iced-over stone entrance Ase told me about.

I felt a pang in my chest when I thought of his name, but I reached down to my belt and felt for the paper with shaking hands. It was soaking wet but I could still see the symbol he had written for me. I looked up to see a jagged stone sticking out of the wall, and I reached forward and slid my hand against it.

It hurt, but I didn't care. My hand started to grow red, so I memorized the sigil and stuffed it back in my belt. I glided my palm against the wall and drew the symbol, and as I removed my hand from the wall, the ice started to crack and the entrance opened inwards slightly.

I was hit with a rush of cold air but it felt good against my burning cheeks. I wiped my face one more time and held up my hand.

If Edna has fire powers then I should sure as hell should have them too. I was delighted when a lick of flame appeared on my hand, and I thought about it becoming bigger. The fire obliged and created a torch for me to see my way through the tunnel.

I managed a small smile.

I made my way forwards, and as soon as I stepped through the doorway, the rock returned back to its natural place.

I couldn't help but think about the fact that this is where Layla carried me. When she stood where I stood, did she already have her mind made up about not giving me to Thanos? Or did she make that decision when she was in this tunnel?

I sighed.

Just stop Tessa.

I continued walking for what felt like a few minutes before I saw what looked like a glowing pool in the ground. I made my way up to it and saw that it was rotating between realms, showing glimpses of very different looking planets. When it made its way to what looked like Earth, I placed my hand in the pool and I was yanked in head first.

I gasped as I experienced this passage for the first time.

Unlike the BiFrost pulling you forwards, this tunnel is like falling in an abyss. Straight down.

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