SGE reacts to The Last Jedi, Star Wars episode 8

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Nicola: Rose and Finn are so cute!!!!!!

Me: I guess but they felt a little rushed...kinda like you and Hort actually!

Nicola: ...

Agatha: *walk in* Uh why is Maple bleeding and almost dead

Nicola: :)


Sophie: I need a theme

Agatha: what

Sophie: you know how all the Star Wars characters have a theme song thing

Agatha: yes

Sophie: I need one...any ideas?

Tedros: how about Call Me Maybe?


Me: am I the only person who ships Reylo


Me: ...

Me: anyone besides Kiko?

The entire freaking SGE universe: *Sings the song The Sound Of Silence*



Hort: look Tedros boi, I can use the force!

Tedros: oh yeah? *uses force to throw Hort against a wall*

Hort: *jumps off wall and pulls out light saber*

Fangirls: OMSGE


Hort: look I can use the force! *closes eyes and grunts*

Tedros: oh yeah? *makes a constipated face*
Sophie and Agatha: *slowly back out of room*

Agatha: I didn't really like it...there were to many fight scenes and not enough explanations for all the crazy character decisions.

Tedros: I rather enjoyed the fight scenes. Especially the one where Rey and Kylo Ren did that synchronized fighting thingy. Reminds me of when I had Lance and Chaddick.

Sophie: but Teddy, aren't you forgetting? The only person you've ever sharesd a synchronized fight scene was with Rhian.

Tedros: *completely crushed* darn it.

Sophie: *smiles pleasantly*

Me: so what'd you guys think of the force-bond scenes?

Agatha: meh, they were ok.

Sophie: are you kidding? Aggie, there was shirtless Adam Driver.

Tedros: excuse me but I personally think I have a much better shirtless pose then him. I mean, he was wearing high waisted pants.

Sophie: so? And I'd take a shirtless Adam Driver over you anyday. I bet Aggie would too!

Agatha: uhhh

Me: *saves Agatha from answering a freakishly awkward question* so uh...what'd you guys think of the porgs?

Sophie: meh.

Me: ...


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