Chapter Twenty-Three: Rage

Start from the beginning

James- Jazmin...Get up..


James- Jazmin...Come on get up..(I pull her up as she tries to cover her face from me)

Jazmin- I don't feel good James..

James- You're shaking...(I saw her body weakened and shivering nonstop..I felt bad knowing I had caused her a breakdown)...Baby stop crying..It's okay..Just Relax..

Jazmin- I...I can't...

James- Baby please relax..Here sit down..

Jazmin- James what if I really did bad damage to her..I could go to jail for that...I swear I thought that was you...James I love you..You have to believe me..

James- Everything will be alright okay?..I won't let anything happen to you...

Jazmin-...James tell me you believe me..

James- (I gently caress her face while wiping away her tears)....Baby we'll talk about it when you're relaxed okay...Just stop crying..

Miles- Are you guys still in there?!!

My body continued to shake as hot tears streamed down my face. James stood up to open the door for Miles as I tried getting a hold of myself.

Miles- (The second I walked in I saw Jazmin crying uncontrollably and shaking I quickly rush towards her and took her in my arms hugging her tightly...I felt the need to protect her)...Jazmin it's okay I'm here..

James- What the fuck are you doing!?

Miles- (I snapped out and noticed James staring at me in confusion and ready to fight..I immediately let go of her)

James- What the fuck was that?

"James please don't start" I said while standing in between both.

James- Let's get you home..Meet me at my car..

He handed me the keys of his car then gave me a sweet peck on the lips.

Jazmin- What about you?

James- I'll go right now..

I gave James a desperate look hoping he wouldn't hurt Miles. However the anger in his eyes told me he wasn't planning on taking it easy. I turned to look at Miles who gave me a sweet smile that was comforting. Without saying anything more I walked away.

Miles- Look bro..I was just..

James- Nah I ain't stupid..I've noticed the way you look at my girl.

Miles- James..You're like the brother I never had..Don't do this man..

James- She's MINE..the only shoulder she's got to cry on is got that "BRO"...(I get face to face with him daring him to say something that would get my hand printed all over his face)

Miles- (He gave me a cold stare....I had to accept where my place was and that wasn't with Jazmin..Plus what was I thinking? James was really like a brother to me. I couldn't do that to him) ....
...Got it.

*Meanwhile Outside School*

Jake- Jazmin!

Jazmin- (I turn around to see Jake running towards me)...Jake please don't..

Jake- Don't What?

Jazmin- Don't come to question me I don't feel good alright?...I just want to go home.

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