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This book will be the Ideas and scribbles I had for each chapter in the book "The Sparkle". And maybe some thoughts I had during the writing for the book.

This is like a writing diary;)

If you are wondering where you can find my book "The Sparkle", isn't it released yet. I wanted too share this first and release the book later. It is to give you all a small taste of my book and my thoughts during the writing!

It was some difficulties I had during the writing, so it could be some frustration in this book to, that I experienced. Or some happy ones. Or some sad ones.

I think you understood:))

In this book of scribbles and ideas, will it be short chapters. There aren't much to write around these topics.

And it may be some "q and a" somethimes, so come with questions, and I would try to answer the most. Or if there are some questions you really want get anwered, but is already suggested, maybe you could like that comment, and I would see what you all are interested in to get answers for. Or you could just ask the same question that the other already had asked, just simple. But it will be much tidier if you liked the comment with the same question you had, if you found the same question somewhere in the comments.

If you are a writer, and maybe need some ideas or something that can inspires you, maybe you could find something here?;)

I hope you read this scribbles and maybe get your own ideas and maybe start your own book? That will mean so much to me, if I could inspire some of you<3

You are all welcome to help me on my way to writing, and come with Ideas that can inspire me as well!

(And in advance, Will I say that I would maybe write down comments/ideas, that could inspire others or something that inspired me while writing!!!)
!: I would of course give credit

Thank you<3

The Sparkle || Jinmin                                   Ideas And ScribblesWhere stories live. Discover now