Girl Made of Paper

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She flies on the currents of the wind
going wherever they take her,
aimless and free,
mot caring at all what people down below
even think of her
if they can see her or if they even believe she exists.

Until, one day, she gets lonely
and looks at the bright orange circle in the sky
and imagines it's the eye of a
And she imagines that the giant is just as lonely as she is,
so she flies toward him.

The heat of the sun's rays scorch her - like lcarus and his wax wings,
she catches fire.

The paper girl turns to ash, a thousand tiny piecs scattered.
And all of her is suddenly blown in different directions, sent to all ends of the Earth, so that she can never be whole again.

Because she's not a phoenix.
She's just a girl who got too close.

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