Too Late

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One day she is here
The other she's not.
One day she's smiling
The other she's stopped.

You carry on with your life
More concerned about yourself.
And don't notice her at all
Until she's said farewell, taken her last breath.

"I can't carry on like this anymore,
seeing people laughing and talking.
I tried calling out for help,
But no one there was watching."

"Now look at what you've done,
What all of you have done.
Are you happy now? You've won
I'm sorry, but I'm done."

Now you're at her funeral
Berating yourself for not doing something.
But you know that now it's too late,
To keep her from jumping.

A/N: Not nearly as optimistic as my previous poems, but I just watched the 11th episode of 13 Reasons Why, and I was inspired. Get off my back.

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