Chapter 1 So, Here we are..

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This is a little rough start. Well it wasn't at first. I was happy. Everyone was .. For the most part. For what you could say having a war with the Huk. But at least it was just one enemy.. Now.. There is no home. There is no happiness. I have no one. I have one thing to do now. Survive.

At this very moment I'm sitting in a corner of a this cell. Yeah. It's a long story.. Really long. This is a slave cell on a slave transportation ship. It so happens this is where I'm at at the moment. Leaned up on the back wall. My hands are cuffed together. This was not interesting. Not anything I can do at the moment but sit here. I pulled my knees up to my chest and let my tail curl around them. I flicked it like a cat would, up and down. It was something that only Royal Kaleesh have. Warrior Kaleesh do not. It was one of the few traits that made us Royals unique.

I wasn't alone in this cell. There was a small young human. She looked scared to death. She should be. She has nothing going for her. At best she will be sold as a slave for hard work. It's a shame really. I knew why I was captured from my home world of Kalee. A Royal is priceless. The energy and Wealth is beyond belief that I can do. I can use the force in many ways, unlike the Jedi that use the force, I can use the force to make a being stronger, happier, bolder, braver. I can bend light and force project anything from my hands. I will be sold to the most wealthy being.. I'm sure someone already has.. And I can do anything about it.

The girl was sobbing. It was very sad. I didn't fell the fear as Kalee are not taught to be weak. Even so I can force myself with my powers to be stronger. So I did what any Royal would do.. Make her feel better. I held my hands out towards her. A glowing pink light came out and her eyes widened. It swirled around her until it rested like dust on her skin. She stopped crying and breathed slower. "How did you do that?" She said. Moving her chained hands to wipe her eyes. I smiled at her. The universe didn't know about Royals as much as I thought. "It's my powers. The reason I'm here." I said it with the most certain I was right. I had no doubt about that.

"My name is Jade. I was captured also but I have no idea what I can do.. I guess I will see where I end up. Where are you from?" She said. You made her much more calm now about what was going on. I was excepting of her conversations. There wasn't anything else but silence. "I am a Royal Kaleesh from Kalee. My name is MTaè Shvèa. It means the pearl of the Sea in my language. This is the gifts we share with others, the energy of life, the energy of Kalee and the force." I spoke softly. I closed my hands together than opened them back up with a flower and butterfly came out. The flower flowed just inches above my hand. The butterfly flew through the sky to Jade then back landing on the flower. She smiled.

"That's amazing that you can do that." You smiled again at her words. It's been a long time since someone was excited to see your powers like this. A really long time. You closed your hand making the butterfly disappear then lost in thought, you drifted into your forgotten memories.

19 years ago. Planet Kalee.
3rd person pov

The sun was  high in the sky on the planet. Many Kaleesh where doing daily work. Worker females cleaned the sleeping corders and Warriors were out protecting the land. In the large pyramid structure was the temple. This was where the chef and the Royals lived. There was 2 adult female Royals using there powers to make energy for the lands, the crops to grow, it was amazing. Then there was 3 small very young Royal kits running around. Laughing playing and using there powers to make many butterflies. They where so innocent little girls. There little tails flowing in the air behind them. The black hair was long on each but one had her hair pulled back with flowers along her pointy ears.

"MTaè." Said the chef. The one little girl with the flowers in her hair ran over to the chef. She bowed with honor before speaking. "Yes my chef." She was very soft spoken. "It is your birthday. You are 10 years old today. It is time for me to give you more free time at the village. You may go to the village now and make friends. Learn more about Kalee. Be back before sundown do not leave the tribe grounds." The little Kaleesh bounced with joy before bowing again and running down the stairs of the temple to the valley below.

She walked slowly around smiling and bowing at several adult Kaleesh. A few greeted her and she practiced her energy charms on them. Being a youngling her powers were much useless at the moment. She walked along the the edge of the path leading out of the village. You could tell her face wanted to know what was out there. Full of excitement and curiosity. Her tail was swaying behind her. That's when the butterfly caught her eye. It was beautiful. She never seen anything like it. Throwing her hands up to try to catch it, the butterfly flew off the path to a clearing. Mtaè followed not knowing she just ran off the trail. Her excitement rose as she closed into the butterfly. It landed on a flower and she stopes instantly behind it. She watched it. Crouched down starring at it wide eyed. Her ears foward. She heard a crunch sound past the butterfly in front of her.

The butterfly flew up and looking right at her was a Huk. A large praying mantis type bug being.  It lunged at Mtaè. She panicked and ran backwards. The Huk slung a claw dagger at her. Barely missing by inches. She thought fast and used her energy to shoot a bright light out of her hands, blinding the Huk for just a second. This was enough to time to get to her feet and run again. She ran but fell over a small bolder before the path. She was so close but foolish for not watching where she was. The Huk closed in. She turned to face her enemy. Her heart was pounding. The Huk reared up with its claws. Before it struck down on Mtaè, a bullet went through its chest. The Huk swayed before being shot another time and falling on its back to the ground.

Mtaè was scared. She never knew of the dangers, she knew of the Huk but didn't know they where so close to the village. She sat there in the tall grass not knowing what to do. She heard someone coming, she turned to see a small Kaleesh boy. He had a warrior mask on and a rifle in his arms. His mask had to arrows pointing up. She knew right then he must be a warrior. The boy looked at the Huk then back to Mtaè. He placed the rifle in a sac behind his back then lifted his mask.  "You would have been dead if it wasn't for me. Huk are nasty and don't pity the weak. " he spoke with annoyance and anger. He was frustrated. Mtaè slowly stood up and dusted her self off. She grabbed her tail just soon after being nervous. The boy saw this and looked confused. "Who are you? Why do you have a tail?" He pointed at it like she was some weird odd Kaleesh. He must have not seen a Royal before. This made her feel different. She looked down as she spoke. "I am a Royal Kaleesh. I live in the temple. Today is my first day out in the village. It's my birthday and I messed it up by almost getting killed." She spoke with a quite tone. She looked back up to the boy he seemed less annoyed and more interested. 

She clasped her hands together and opened them in front of him. She was able to Capture the moment of the flower and butterfly. A flower appeared in her hand with the butterfly. It flew over and landed on the boy's hand then flew back over to the flower. She looked up to see the boy smile. He is eyes full of interested and amazement. This made her happy. She felt that she accomplished something. "My name is Mtaè Shvèa. It means pearl of the sea." The boy looked up at her still smiling at what she just showed him. "I'm Qymaen jai Sheelal. Warrior of Dreams."

Boom. I finished the first chapter in my new book. I likes it. I hope you do too!
Let me know what you think!
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- the awesome opossum

The Royal Kaleesh (General Grievous X OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant