"This is crazy" I mumbled as we walked away. Nate grunted his response, but we succumbed to a quiet pace. So much information as given to me and it was trying to keep up.

"Nate?" I said quietly, and Nate looked down at me.

"I want to leave" I said, and Nate nodded

"We're leaving, love. We just have to take the ferry again" he said, pulling me forward.

"No, I mean, I want to leave. Greece. I'm not really in the mood to celebrate or for vacations" I said, and he frowned, walking back to me and wrapping his warm hands around me. His embrace was all I needed right now, and inhaling his clean scent was the only thing that could calm me down for now.

"Are you sure? We have another four days here, and a private jet back" he said, and I nodded.

"I'm just too nervous with all of this happening, and I don't think I can just sit back and relax, when we both know we're gonna go back to a divorce settlement going on and Andrew will be on us. I just want to get this over with as soon as possible. The sooner the better" I mumbled and after thinking it for a second Nate kissed my temple and nodded.

I needed to get back to New York. And quick. The sooner I found out what Kate wanted, the better I'll be.

Not that he needed to know this

We got back to the villa pretty late, but I was determined to start packing as soon as possible, wanting to go back to New York and deal with this whole situation. I knew Nate could sense my mood, but he didn't pus it. He just helped me pack clothes in silence. I was also antsy about the Alex situation. They didn't come by the villa, but Nate had mentioned they had decided to go back to the city for obvious reasons. That obviously didn't sit well with me either, but it's not like I could blame the girl. I knew what I was doing, and I knew this was all going to blow up sooner or later. I was slapping myself mentally, and now I was going to lose Alex because of this. I didn't expect her to welcome us with open arms, but I also didn't expect her to treat me like I was a hooker, looking so disgusted of me.

I didn't know what I was doing until I almost dropped the vase with the flowers Nate had gotten me. The slip hit the desk in a loud cling and I winced, putting the vase down before I did end up breaking it.

I felt Nate's hands around my waist and he turned me around. His bright eyes met mine and he looked worried, his lips pressed into a thin line.

"What's going on?" he asked me in murmur, like he didn't want to spook me. I looked away, not wanting to be under his scrutinizing eye.

"Nothing" I mumbled.

"This is not nothing, Scar. Why do you look so worried? Are you worried about Andrew-"

"No. I wouldn't try going back to the house anytime soon, but im not too worried about him" I mumbled, trying to get out of his embrace. I felt like I was suffocating, the air was thick, and the tension was too gripping.

"Then what is it?" he asked, trying to grab my hand but I walked away toward the bathroom, and I heard him follow me. I decided to splash some water on my face, trying to keep it together. I was too nervous with my encounter with Kate, and I couldn't tell him about anything, so how am I supposed to handle this? She had information, and I wanted to hear it before he has any chance to stop her.

Nate had been honest with his past, his illness, and his feelings towards me. So I wanted to know what she wanted to confess so bad.

"I'm just tired and restless. My brain won't shut down" I said, and Nate sighed and came to me.

"How can I make it better?" he asked quietly. I stayed in silence for a good minute, my arm around his neck, admiring him. Then I chuckled, and Nate frowned a bit.

The Lover (18+) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now