He chuckled, and we walked out of my room together and through the hallway. I saw Josh in the hallway as he glanced at me, rolling his eyes and feigning dislike towards me as I rolled my eyes and grinned. Finally, Liam and I went into the family room, where half of the band and Louis Tomlinson were just hanging out.

                Upon our entrance, they nodded up at us and Louis said, “Now that we have more people, let’s play a game.”

                I raised my brow, falling back on the couch beside him. “What game?”

                Sandy, the bass player, responded: “Never Have I Ever.”

                 Awesome. I was stuck playing Never Have I Ever, a drinking game, with only guys that I’ve never met before today. And why were we drinking when we just got off a plane? Whatever. In my head, I played back something that made me laughing at myself: YOLO.

                So, Harry and Zayn walked into the room with booze in their hands and Niall in tow with red solo cups. Soon there was a cup of vodka in front of me and a diet coke beside the cup as everyone settled in, ready to play the game. I glanced at the boys and wondered why I had to be the only girl.               

                “How about the girl starts first?” Zayn questioned, glancing at me with  small smirk. “The only girl here.”

                I rolled my eyes, “Alright, fine. Never have I ever… sexted.”

                Immediately, Josh and Harry picked up their cups, and I was giggling. They shot me looks but kept drinking, not even bothering to chase it down with a diet coke.

                Next, it was Louis saying, “Never have I ever been cross faded.”

                I looked around before taking a gulp of my drink. The guys raised their eyebrows at me as they all took a sip as well, proving to me that they weren’t as innocent as some people pegged them to be.

                Next, Jon said, “Never have I ever snuck out of my house to do something illegal… in my school days.”

                Liam was the only one that didn’t drink to that. I could feel my thoughts get hazy and just continued on with the game, drinking when it applied to me and making up one when it was my turn. The food came and we ate it all during the course of the game, but soon I was – among the other boys – smashed.

                It was fair to say we were all plastered, but I couldn’t quite tell on the account of some of the boys handling their liquor well. I’ve always been a bad drunk and I’ll admit to it, too. I slur my words and laugh at pretty much everything, but to this day I haven’t been described as “sloppy” – meaning I won’t randomly hookup with someone just because I’m drunk.

                “Is there a pool here?” I asked, looking around at the boys as I grabbed their attention. “Because we should go skinny dipping.”

                They all chanted agreements as Liam said, “Okay, someone’s a bit too drunk.”

                I rolled my eyes as he turned me around, his hand on the small of my back. “Where are we going? I’m fine! Just a little hungry. You know, that Chinese food didn’t fill me up. Damn China!”

                “Come on, we’re going to your room.”

                I gasped, “Liam, you have a girlfriend!”

                He chuckled. My concern level dropped as I got distracted by the quickness of Liam’s pace as we walked into my room and I sat down on the bed, crossing my arms and looking up at Liam with big puppy dog eyes and pouted lips. I saw him waver for a second before he shook his head slightly.

                “Go to bed,” Liam said somewhat sternly. “We can talk in the morning. Besides, rehearsals are tomorrow.”        

                “But nobody else is going to bed!” I protested.

                “They’ll be going to bed soon.”

                “Daddy Direction.” I muttered. “Always out to be the daddy of One Direction. Hey, is that why you’re called that? Daddy of One Direction. Hum, it has a ring to it.”

                Liam Payne rolled his eyes. “Go to sleep, Mikayla. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, while you nurse your hangover.”

                As he walked out of the room, I dropped my pout and fell back on my bed. The first night and I’m staring up at the ceiling wall – awesome. I guess this is what it means to be on tour… a lot of booze, and a lot of boring.

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