"Sorry about the jacket!" he said, fighting off a couple men.

"Also, you dropped me pistol? That was me favorite gun, Geline! Duck!" he yelled, as she obeyed and he blocked a blow meant for her.

"What do I do? I've nothing to fight with!" she cried hiding behind him.

"Find a gun! Preferably a loaded one! Preferably mine!" he said, the sound of clanking swords drowning out some of his words.

"But I don't know how to use one!"

"Ya cock, point, and shoot, luv! Cock, point, and shoot!" he yelled, pushing her out of the way as he was attacked from behind.

Evangeline began to wildly search for a weapon, preferably a gun. When she tripped over a fallen man, she scrambled off the ground and rolled him over; grabbing the pistol he was laying on top of. She stood up, trying how to figure out how to cock the gun. What did that even mean? She was turning it over in her hands when she was knocked off her feet, a sword tip pointed at her neck. She looked up, blocked the sun from her eyes, and found she was staring at Alexander. She looked for Jack, but could not see him. Even if she could, he would have been busy fighting off an army.

"Stand up," Alexander said, using the tip of his sword to tap her under the chin.

She put her shaking hands up, slowly rising. Her eyes searching for the pistol. There! About a foot from Alexander's feet. He kept his sword concentrated on her throat, shaking his head.

"Such a mistake you have made, miss McKenna. How foolish of you to think you could escape; no, this will not do," he said, circling her with one had behind his back, his powered wig slightly askew.

"Alexander, please, we're friends," she whispered following him with her eyes.

"No, my dear! You are mistaken yet again! I do not befriend vagrants, my dear girl," he replied, moving in closer to her.

She shuddered as he looked her in the eyes, the tip of his sword puncturing skin, causing a small trickle of blood to run down her neck. She looked at the gun again, quickly so that he did not see her.  Suddenly she saw Jack, running. More specifically, running away. If you wanted the details, he was running away from a pack of sailors. He may have been screaming. He was most certainly busy at the moment.

"If I surrender..?" she asked.

"You shall be pardoned from death, although you shall still be tried to the fullest extent of the law. Perhaps a life in jail or banishment."

"And Jack? What would his fate be?"

"He will hang. He will. I've been chasing him for four years, and I finally have him in my grasp. You will not take that from me," he said, smirking.

Seconds later Alexander was pushed to the ground by Jack who had not seen him. He fell with an "oof" and Jack looked back.

"Excuse me, mate!" he yelled.

Evangeline saw her chance and ran for the pistol only to be tripped by Alexander as he grabbed her by the ankle. She reached as far as she could, stretching her fingers out. She could feel it with the tips of her fingers as Alexander stood up. Then the gun was kicked closer to her as someone ran by. She grabbed it, turned on her back, pointed it at Alexander, and pulled the trigger.

He laughed as nothing happened and reached for her throat. She felt his hands crushing her windpipe, life was choking her once again, this time in the form of a power hungry Commodore. She saw the rage in his eyes as he continued to hold onto her, his wig completely off his head. She clawed at his fingers as things began to turn black. She saw his lips moving but was not aware of what he was saying.

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