Truly, madly, deeply

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I wanted to start this book long time ago. I am huge fan of tennis and one of my fave players is Sascha who I started to follow since he was still playing in junior  phase. And finally, the book is here. If you have requests feel free to tell me!❤️

I was there. Watching him as he was about to lose. His emotion were driving him to the edge as the Chung was about to beat him. I was feeling so useless, I tried to cheer him from the box but it simply didn't come to Sascha.

He looked so restless and mad which is probably result of our fight last night. He was really pressured about his upcoming match and simply everything bothered him.

Most likely, I was bothering him the most. He stated last night how I don't support him at all and how I don't care about him or about anything that he does and his words hurted me because more than anything I care about him.

I care about him and I love him with all my heart and I support him all the time. Even when I am not in the same country as him since I have university obligations, I support him and watch his matches.

We didn't speak a single word since last night and I didn't even wish him good luck. I was considering that I don't come to the match at all but I didn't want to explain his parents afterwards why I didn't come. They are extrememly nice and lovely people, just as Sascha when he is not pressured. It was much easier to show up.

As soon as match ended, Sascha picked up his stuff and left the court, just as we in the box. We went towards the room where Sascha is, but before we reached it, I excused myself saying how I am not feeling well and that I'll got straight to the hotel. Sascha's mother, Irina asked if she needed to come with me but I assured her that I can go by my own.

Quickly, I came in hotel and I started to think. Maybe I even started too much to think because I came up with idea to leave Melbourne tomorrow since Zverev family will be leaving in 5 days, Sascha have to do some press.

I changed in my pajamas even though it was 6 pm but still, and I started to pack my things. After some time, I eventually finished and I realized it was 7:30pm. Well, I packed fast.

I could go to the dinner or just stay in room and that's what I did. I layed in bed and took my phone but I just wasn't relaxing. I was recalling moments from last night and it made me sad and mad and I had mixed emotions.

Eventually, I decided to leave phone and my deep thinking and to have some sleep since the flight I booked is at 6am.

My attempt to fall asleep was miserable but at that moment I heard that room doors opened and I heard voices of Sascha and Irene. I slowly got up and greeted Irina while Sascha just walked pass me.

Irina looked at me confused, but I hugged her and she whispered to me that he is little grumpy. I smiled at her and reassured Irina that I can deal with him.
I hate to lie to her, but I can't tell her how her son is grumpy for more then 24 hours. Soon she left and Sascha and I were all alone in the room.

I went back in bed while Sascha was showering and my second attempt of falling asleep failed. I heard that water stopped running in the bathroom which meant that Sascha will be out in any minute. I took my phone when he showed up only wearing his sleeping shorts. As he walked to his side of the bed, I saw that he saw my suitcase packed.

"What is that?" He asked rasing his voice.
"My suitcase." I said not moving my gaze from phone screen.
"I think I realized that. I meant why is it packed?" Sascha said obviously pissed off.
"Probably, because I am leaving." I said.
"Why?" He asked even more pissed off.
"I think the reason is pretty obvious." I answered leaving my phone and laying back down. I felt that Sascha sat on the egde of the bed because weight went on different side.

"You are not leaving." Sascha exlaimed. Great, my third attempt of sleeping failed.
"Oh, like you are going to stop me." I said as I sat on the bed.
"I will stop you." He said as he turned to me.

As soon as he looked at me, I saw hurt and pain in his eyes and I felt as someone stabbed me in my heart with knife. I hate to see him heartbroken and sad because he lost his match,usually I am by his side and I talk with him, but after last night, he doesn't deserve it. Not at all.

"There is no need to stop me. You'll do much better without me." I said taking a deep breath.
"Shut up y/n. Shut up." Sascha said as he moved closer to me.
"Isn't it what you wanted in the first place? You said how I don't support you at all and now I am making it easy for you." I exclaimed. I surprised myself how I didn't start to cry.

"I never wanted that." He said as I realized that space between us were only inches which soon disappeared when Sascha pressed his lips against mine. I tried to refuse his kiss but, man, I couldn't resist him.

"I hate you." I said as I broke the kiss.
"I am idiot. I know. But I was really pressured about winning since everyone has huge expectations from me. And I-I shouldn't take it out on you." He said holding his hands on my waist.

"Just shut up and kiss me grumpy boy." I said as smile formed on Sascha's face.
"Um wait." Sascha said as he broke the kiss. "Mom said that you weren't feeling well?" he said.

"I just didn't want to see you." I said biting my lip.
"Ouch." Sascha said as he made hurt face. "you are interesting girl."
"And you love me." I said hugging him.
"Oh man, I am truly, madly, deeply in love with you." He said before he closed the gap between us.

Alexander Zverev imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora