Five ~ Then The Next Thing You Said Was That You Didnt Love Me But Your . . .

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Evalyn ~ Draven

Five ~ Then The Next Thing You Said Was That You Didn't Love Me, Although Your Tone Of Voice Was New.

"Cause I'm dying here."
I sang cautiously hoping you wouldn't here from the basement.
"You were lying it was you and I forever, and now you make me shiver in the light."
I thought I heard a door so I stopped for a minute, then continued when the coast was clear.
"Cause I'm dying here, and I'm crying for the you that I remember."
"And now you make me shiver, your so co-"
You start clapping from the basement door, a real genuine smile present on your face.
You said it was beautiful, I felt my face heat up.
I thanked you and continued making dinner.
I made homemade pizza.
You told me that pizza was your weakness.
I said I would never make pizza again, but you said that is was in a good way, you loved it too much.
You ate six pieces. You poked my cheek and said that you were hungry, then told me to eat.
I grabbed a piece backwards, and ate from the crust to the point.
You said you loved my quirkiness.
I quickly called over the lady that teaches me English.

Quirky; noun form of quirky

Quirky; Characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits.

Thank you.
You kissed my cheek and washed the dishes, my hands writhing wanting to be the ones scrubbing the plates with soap under the scolding hot water.
It came naturally.
You grabbed my hand and sat me on the couch. We watched television for a while until I feel asleep.
When I woke you were absent from my hold, on the phone in the kitchen.
You said that you would tell her. Tell me what?
Then the next thing you said was that you didn't love me, although your tone of voice was new. I had never in my life heard it before.
I stood in the kitchen door, tears licking at my cheeks.
You don't love me anymore? I asked innocence evident in my voice along with hurt and sadness.
You turned at lighting speed, you dropped the phone as I watched it shatter on the floor.
I looked at you under my lashes, tears streaming down my face in a frenzy.
No, you said. I do, its something called a sarcastic remark, you explained.
I just shook my head and left to my attic.
I thought you loved me, but I was wrong.
Martha my English lady came in.
My sadness lifted when she explained what 'sarcastic remark' meant.
I ran downstairs and ran into a wall in my haste, a warm yet cold wall at the same time.
I looked at you and the tears come back again.
So you still love me?
You picked me up with ease, and proceeded to tell me that you loved me until I fell asleep for the second time that day.
When I woke up you were still there playing with my hair quietly.
I started to get up to make breakfast, but you quickly sat me back down and went to the kitchen. A few minutes later you can back with pancakes, eggs, and some bacon.
I smiled and thanked you.
I ate happily, and even shared with you, even though you weren't hungry.
You asked me on a date.
What's a date?
Your smile faltered for a split second and then you smiled even brighter.
It was were you took me out to dinner and then a movie, or sometimes, you said, we could go to a park, or lots of other places.
I agreed and you helped me get ready.
You put me in a simple white long sleeved shirt, and a blue skirt with little patterns on it. Then you put two necklaces on me and slipped tan heels on me.
I grabbed a tan purse, and sprayed perfume on me.
You were dressed in a simple black shirt and dark jeans.
I braided my hair while we were in the car.
You said we were going to see a movie.
Its called Finding Nemo.
We were the only people our age their, you got me some yellow cloud shaped food and a candy bag, you said they were skittles.
We sat down and not even five minutes into the movie and I was crying.
The baby fish died.
But wait! One survived!
I stopped crying when I saw you silently laughing at me.
When the movie was over I was in a very happy mood.
You took me to a place you call a pet store. We looked at all the mini Nemo's and Dory's, but the you brought me to a pen of furry things. Dogs, you had called them.
I immediately fell in love with the fury golden one in the corner.
You said it was a mini Labrador, and you said that it would stay that size.
I begged for it, and you complied, but not before saying that fogs were a vampires enemy.
I did the thing called ignoring you.
We brought him home and I had to give him a name.
I had named him King.
You laughed and took me to the attic, and we spent the rest of the night making thee place suitable for a dog.

The Prince Of The Bloodsuckers (*Discontinued*)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora