One ~ I Didnt Know Your Lips Were As Cold As Your Heart

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Evalyn ~ Master

One ~ I Didn't Know Your Lips Were As Cold As Your Heart.

I scrubbed the tile like my life depended on it, which it does. If its not sparkling clean, I probably won't live to see my next owner. I scrubbed twice, then a third time, then once more, just in case.
I started on the kitchen counters, the disastrous place where my blood was easily stained on to the pearly white marble.
Scrubbed once, twice, three times. I got the blood off, finally, so I moved onto my next task, then the other nine that I had left.
I saw you walk in and smirk at me, I didn't miss the evil glint in your eye. I never do. You pulled me to the halls, threw me to the ground and gave me my next list of things to get done before your here again.
Quietly I do them, starting with mopping, once, twice, three times for good measure. Dusting the paintings four times each, no spots can be visible. I finish up thirteen more chores, your here just in time. You come in with an annoyed look.
Three ladies come in behind you, you said that I have to look 'decent' when the king comes, then you said no amount of makeup would make me look any less disgusting to look at.
You called me other names, colorful words thrown at me. I took them all, quietly. If I spoke you would hurt me more.
I went upstairs with the ladies, who took me to the room I only had the pleasure of cleaning. One of the ladies calls herself Allie. She told me I had too be clean.
She bathed me, she took a razor and striped my legs of the scratchy hairs. She took me out and put me in a dress you said only beautiful women get to wear. Am I finally pretty to you?
Of course not. So Allie put wet and dry substances on my face, you said that only the pretty women wear it. Am I finally good enough for you?
I tried to thank the ladies, but the woman who says she is named Martha, she slapped me. She said if I spoke, master, you would get mad. I sealed my lips and my fate the moment I stepped out side of that elegant room.
Many people were looking at me. I drew attention and that made you mad. You grabbed me by my arm, you pulled my to the kitchen and punched my across my jaw. You shoved me into a hot stove and you walked out before you had time to see that you burned me.
Your always remorseful when you burn me. You said once that fire takes away beautiful faces, that I needed mine. That's the only nice thing you ever said to me and I keep it close to my heart.
I silently cried while I cooked the Kings dinner. You knew I was the best cook, you always requested I made your dinner.
I smiled slightly when I saw how I perfectly cooked the stake. I knew you and the King would like it.
I plated it and returned to my small chair in the very corner of the room.
You looked good, like the male models on the magazines I dust in your wife's room. She once stabbed me in my right hip. I had to walk around with a open wound.
It hurt.
Someone, strikingly handsome was behind you. I'm sure it was the King. He looked at me and I felt warm inside.
You on the other hand, you looked at me like you wanted nothing more than for me to die.
It was a common look you had when looking at me.
You pulled me aside later that night. You told me the devastating news. I was being sold once more.
Change was difficult for me. You knew that, sometimes you took pity on me. Do you remember?
You said the name Draven Abderus. You address the King by his name. Do you have a close relationship?
You explained relationships to me once. I couldn't understand so you got mad and threw me into the wall.
No one ever came to his house to fix the hole in that wall. No one ever came to fix my broken ribs.
I guess it was a reminder for both of us.
I wonder if you meant it, that you would miss me. You said I changed this house for the better. I think you meant I was a good cleaner.
You kissed my forehead. I didn't know your lips were as cold as your heart.
You said that I was going to be pushed a lot harder. You knew what I went threw in my old masters care, you believe I can handle it.
I packed my bag, the one I did have contained one other pair of wrinkled and smelly clothes.
I didn't have much, you once said I didn't deserve it.
I walked out and you greeted me. Unusual, but since I was leaving for good, I didn't think much of it.
Oh, and I didn't miss that evil glint in your eye. Remember I never do.
You, like every other owner I've ever had, said the words I still remember.
You said my name.
Evalyn Ophelia Parker.
I got in the Prius that the King had pulled up to the drive way. I got in the very back.
I remember once I had got in the front when I first got here. You beat me until I could see the darkness invading my vision.
I never made that mistake again.
I buckled me seat belt, and messed with my leg.
You waved goodbye, and so I waved back. You smiled and I did to. I liked knowing you were finally happy now that I was gone.
Was I really that bad to be around?
I remember the very first time you had made me feel welcomed in that house of yours.
That was of course that last time as well. You said that you liked me company, you said I didn't nag like your wife.
You had spent most the time complaining about her fake boobs, how you loved them but they were to big.
You hated how she showed off to all other males.
I showed you respect and you loved it. Then I went to say thank you and you had beat me unconscious.
I never said another word.
I was secretly hoping that the King would let me speak.
He was staring at me. He looked intrigued? Most show me no interest but his gaze told me other wise. I could be wrong as well, I could only tell his eyes were not the window to his soul.
His weren't like the saying.
I was never fond of that saying. It scared me to think someone could see my emotions, just by looking into my eyes.
I was never fond of mine. I wished for green, but I was given grey ones to match my black hair.
You once said it was pretty. Then again you do say that I'm ugly as well. You say I'm disgusting and that I make you wish to the gods to go blind.
You also said you lie a lot.
Why do you tell me these things? Their like burdens to carry around everywhere I go. I question everything.
But, one thing is for sure.
You never cared about me, you made that clear when you gave me the same eyes you gave me when you cut me fourteen times in the stomach, complete hate filled eyes.
That was the last emotion I saw of yours before I could no longer see you over the heavy clouds of fog.
That smile was fake.
Those eyes, they were real. You hated me. I never got to ask you why.
I hope you and your wife have many great years together. I just know I'll miss you, even if you feel different.

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