Rose- Well?

Jazmin- He loves me mom...As much as I love him..

Rose- What happened to the sweet boy of Jake?..You really got over him completely?

Jazmin- (My face expression changed doubtfully as soon as she mentioned Jake..I turned my head down)...Jake....Is the past now..

Rose- Look at me..

She placed her hand on my chin gently pulling my head up to face her. For a brief moment we stayed quite she simply just gazed into my eyes for some strange reason.

Rose-....Oh honey..

Jazmin- What?

Rose- *Smiles...You are in love with both.

Jazmin- (I quickly turn my face away from her)

Rose- Tell you what..Let's make a deal..

Jazmin- (Hmm wonder what she has under her sleeve)....A deal?

Rose- If you promise me that you will not get into anymore trouble and not come late or disappear the whole night...I'll consider giving this relationship you have with James a chance.

Jazmin- (I stood up looking at her with excitement and shock all at the same time)...Mom you really mean it!?

Rose- Sweetie I won't lose you..I rather give this a chance but if you fail with your part with no doubt..I will send you back to JacksonVille and you will not see that boy again you understand?

Jazmin-..Yes mom I understand!! (I swung my arms around her hugging her tightly)

I arrived to school a bit late and immediately went out to the P.E field to look for James. I couldn't wait to give him the news. My mom had returned my phone again so I called him but my call went straight to voicemail. I made my way back to the school building to get to class.

Jake- Hey Jazmin..

Jazmin- ...Oh hey Jake...I didn't see you there..

Jake- You're heading to class?

Jazmin- Yeah I'm actually a bit late..Um I'll see you around...

I turn back around to walk away from him when he suddenly grabs me from the arm pulling me inside an empty bathroom. It all happened so fast that I was in shock towards his behavior. I leaned against the wall still confused as to what was happening. He placed both hands on the side of my shoulders also leaning forward. Completely blocking any movement from mine.

Jazmin- Jake what are you doing??..

Jake- I wanted a moment alone with you..

Jazmin- Jake I gotta get to class...

Jake- Do you miss me even just a little?

Jazmin- Jake why are you doing this?

Jake- I think about you a lot...I miss you so much..

Jazmin- Jake please stop..

Jake- I need to know Jazmin.

Jazmin- What do you want me to tell you?

Jake- It's not what I want to hear but what I know you feel inside for me..

He gently pressed his hand against my chest right over my heart. I felt chills feeling his touch against my body.

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