Letting Go and Kisses Goodbye.

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Emil's eyes opened slowly. Lukas was beside him, taking in the new scenery. They both sat near rocks that acted as stairs, leading to a rocky land beside a river. They stood up and walked to the river. "This is the place." Lukas said, "She should be up there." He pointed up to a higher area where (Y/n) could be seen watching the fish jump from above. They made their way up to her and paused. "Hvernig get ég sagt...?"

"How can I say...?" A familiar voice repeated. (Y/n) turned around and gasped. "Emil...Lukas!" She ran up and embraced them. Then, she turned to Emil. "I have to confess something, Emil."

"Ég líka!"

"Me too!"

"Emil...I love you!" (Y/n) blushed. Emil's face turned a very bright Red. A moment passed. "Emil?"

"Uh..." He stared at her. "Emil, didn't you have something to say?" She asked. Lukas stared in concern at what he was seeing. Ice wanted to speak English, but didn't know how. He quickly pulled his little brother to the side and whispered the same line three times, "I love you."

Emil quickly caught on and looked at (Y/n). "I...love...you!" He grinned. Lukas stepped back and let them have their moment. Their last goodbye. He felt bad for his little brother, but this was for the best. He watched as Emil kissed the love of his life, knowing they could never truly be together. It almost brought a tear to his cold, dead eyes. 

When they were done, Lukas walked up to (Y/n) and gave her a hug. "We're going to miss you very much. If you ever need to escape for a while, come to us. It will take some time, but I'm going to convince my people that you're not dangerous. Stay safe, and don't forget about us."

(Y/n) smiled and nodded. "How could I? You're the greatest friends I've ever had. I won't forget your kindness. Be safe," She noticed Emil and Lukas were the only ones who came, "and thank the others for me."

"Will do. Goodbye, (Y/n)." Emil and Lukas took out the stone. Emil looked at her one last time. "Bless, elskan mín."

"Goodbye, my dear."

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