Secret Meeting and New Friends.

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"I can't believe a bird convinced me to walk right into the path of death." (Y/n) muttered under her breath. "I heard that!" Mr. Puffin squawked. "Sorry!"

"Okay, the fastest path to get there is to the left of the tent, over the Poison Ivy and a little to the right." (Y/n) nodded and ran to the left as told when she reached the tent. Eventually, she reached a huge area full of Poison Ivy. "How am I supposed to get over this?"

 Mr. Puffin shrugged, "Got any scissors?" (Y/n) shook her head, "Why would I?" They sat in silence for a moment before (Y/n) noticed something. "Wait, can't I just walk around the side over here?" She walked over to the right side of the pit and saw there was a thin path along the trees. "Alright, that works." Mr. Puffin nodded in approval.

They made it across to the other side and laughed together. "Okay," (Y/n) spoke, "Where do we go from here?" Mr. Puffin looked around and saw a familiar area. "Over there, by that tree with the large amount of moss."

(Y/n) nodded and walked over to it. "This one?" Mr. Puffin chirped a quick "Yes." and they continued on their way. Eventually, they made it to the back of the cabin and heard the vikings conversing in Norwegian. 

"Alright," Mr. Puffin whispered, "You stay here, maybe back up a tiny bit. I'll get Ice. Keep an eye on the balcony, don't be seen. We can't save you if you get caught." He flew up and into the cabin. (Y/n) hid under some large branches and waited. The forest was cold and quiet, but it felt kind of nice. Moths formed in her stomach as she looked up anxiously at the balcony. What if someone came out and saw her? She doubted that she could get away in this huge mess of branches and Poison Ivy. 

It seemed like forever, but five minutes had passed and Mr. Puffin came out, dragging Emil behind him. (Y/n) smiled nervously, feeling like a stalker. "(Nafn)? Þinn hlutur, þú gleymdi því. Er í lagi með þig?" 

"(Y/n)? Your thing, you forgot it. Are you okay?" The phone called from Emil's coat pocket. He pulled it out and handed it to her. "I'm fine. Thank you."

"Ég hef það gott. Þakka þér fyrir.

(Y/n) stood up and gasped. "Who's up there?" 

"Hver er þarna?"

Emil turned around and a boy with blonde hair was standing on the balcony, watching him. The boy had a strange clip in his hair, and he seemed to be a bit older than Emil. Their eye colors were very similar, too. "Það er greinilega bróðir minn. Mér líkar ekki við hann."

"That's clearly my brother. I do not like him."

Mr. Puffin cackled. "Don't be so mean, big guy!" Emil glared at Mr. Puffin and smacked him on the beak. "Is! Den dumme danskeren er her, og jeg vil ikke lide alene." The blonde boy called from the balcony. Unfortunately, it was too far for the phone to catch, so (Y/n) didn't understand what he said. Emil rolled his eyes and shouted to the blonde boy, "Þá fela bjórinn, heimskur!"

"Then hide the beer, stupid!"

Mr. Puffin flew back into the cabin, screeching "I'll deal with it!" (Y/n) couldn't help but giggle. Emil facepalmed and stormed back inside. "Heyy, you didn't say goodbye..." (Y/n) thought, frowning.

Once Emil went back inside, probably to hunt down Mr. Puffin, the blonde boy jumped down from the balcony and started walking over to her. (Y/n) didn't realize this until he was only a few feet away. "A-Ah? Oh! Eek!" She freaked out and turned to run, but she tripped over a stick and smacked right into a big, healthy tree. 

"What are you doing, idiot?" The blonde boy spoke behind her. She yelped in shock and slowly turned around, "You speak English?"

"Yeah, I picked it up from Britain. Now, you're the person who fell from the sky. What are you doing here? Don't you know my people are trying to kill you?" He scolded her. "Um...if you're one of them, why aren't you trying to kill me? I should be running from you right now, actually." (Y/n) backed away from him and tripped on another stick, "Ahh!" 

The boy quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her back on her two feet. "Be careful." 

"Right, sorry." He shook his head and acknowledged her question. "I'm not trying to kill you, or get you killed, because it would be very hypocritical, somehow. They say you've got some sort of magic,  but so do I."

"Then why aren't they trying to kill you, too?" 

"They don't know about my magic. I practice my spells with Mr. Britain, you know him. He's the man with crazy eyebrows."

"Oh...him." She remembered how he just stood back in the store, "He has magical powers?"

"Yes. We practice together in the forest while our people do their own thing. He told me about you before my people spread it around the town."

"Okay, well thank you for letting me live. I don't feel like running at the moment, I've been running all day and night." 

"I understand. My name is Lukas. You're (Y/n), right?"

"Yes! How did you know my name?" (Y/n) checked her clothing for a name tag. "I got that information from Emil. I haven't told Britain, he'll probably tell the vikings out of fear."


"NOOOORGE!" A loud, obnoxious voice called from the balcony, "WHERE ARE YOUUU?" 

"I have to go check on him...and Emil. He might be trying to get drunk right now. I don't blame him, but he's still a kid. Goodbye." Lukas quickly walked back to the balcony, waving to (Y/n) as he left. "Good...bye?"

Back In Time: Iceland x Reader Hetalia!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt