Terrible Translation and Random Touching.

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(Y/n) shot up and immediately regretted it. Her head hurt way more than before, and now she was very dizzy. It's not a fun combination, that's for sure. 

She looked around and realized she was in a small medical tent. There was a giant, Red plus sign sewn into the fabric of the tent, and it looked pretty nice. Hearing a tapping sound a few feet away, (Y/n) turned her head and saw Emil trying to figure out her phone. 

"Emil?" His head snapped up from the phone and his eyes immediately looked in your direction, he looked rather shocked. You two stared for a moment before he subtly smiled, "Ertu í lagi?"

"Are you okay?" The phone translated, which made Emil jump. (Y/n) giggled and placed her hand on his knee, "Yes, and don't be afraid. It's helpful, I can show you."

"Já, og ekki vera hræddur. Það er gagnlegt, ég get sýnt þér það."

Emil nodded and handed her the phone, while blushing grumpily at the random touching. He sat next to her on the small bed and watched as she showed him everything she could teach him about the translator. 

(Y/n) typed into the translator and told him to try typing something, then handed him the phone. Emil took the phone and tried typing a random sentence in his language, but then the translator glitched and translated it into something...not quite accurate.

 (Y/n) laughed as he screeched and started yelling at the phone in Icelandic, all while his face turned Redder and Redder. She managed to take back the phone and restarted the app, "Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry about that!" She knew Emil didn't understand her since the app was restarting, but he seemed to understand by her facial expression. He hid his face in his hands and laughed at the mistake.

The translation app finally finished restarting, and Emil became very chatty. "Er höfuðið meiða? Ég var mjög áhyggjufullur um að þú gætir hafa dáið!"

"Is your head hurt? I was very worried that you might have died!" 

Emil patted and smoothed out the bandage wrap around (Y/n)'s head and poked her shoulder. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Já, ég er í lagi."

(Y/n) thought about his statement, how did he even find her? "Emil, how did you find me?"

"Emil, hvernig fannstu mig?

Emil shrugged and stood up, "Ég var að leita að þér. Ég sá hvað gerðist. Þeir munu koma fljótlega."

"I was looking for you. I saw what happened. They will come soon."

(Y/n) gasped and hugged him tightly, "I should go, then! Bless!"

"Ég ætti að fara, þá! Blessi!"

Emil leaped back, startled by the hug. "E-Eh? Bíðið!" Before (Y/n) could hear the translation, she ran off to the forest once again. She ignored Emil's calls, probably for her to come back, and found her usual sleeping area. The good ol' stabbing trunk. 

Instead of sleeping, she sat down and thought about Emil's warning. Were the Norwegian vikings coming to that tent? Why would they do that? Perhaps they had some business with Emil, but he just seemed like a teenage boy who was once as lost as she was at some point. He probably lived in that tent now, there was water and food. That's what any home has. Plus, she couldn't see any other structures nearby. 

Maybe Emil is some sort of forest nurse. With all of those medical supplies he had, the vikings probably just need his help. Should she return, though? Maybe...not for a few days, if she makes it that long. 

"Speaking of survival..." (Y/n)'s engines continued to turn, "How will I get home? There has to be a way! Maybe the stone can take me back."

(Y/n) decided that she has to start making a plan if she wants to get out of here. Where to start...where to start?

She tried to come up with something, anything. But she was so tired that she could barely keep her eyes open. She reached into her pocket to check the time on her phone, only to remember she left it with Emil. She facepalmed and threw herself beside the trunk. "Man...what a rough day." She thought as she closed her eyes. 

"Hey!" A strong voice boomed in the short distance. (Y/n) quickly shot up and looked around. "Who's there?" She called. "My name is Mr. Puffin! Look up, kid."

Looking up, (Y/n) saw an actual Puffin looking down at her. "Wait, are you talking?" The funny-looking bird rolled his eyes, "Noo, there's just a hand up my rear and a puppet master yapping behind me. Of course I'm talking!" 

"...Okay? Who are you...and what do you want?" (Y/n) glared at the sarcastic bird. "I just told ya," The Puffin stated, "I'm Mr. Puffin!"

"What do you want, though?" She sighed. "Well, I heard you've been talking to a buddy of mine, I also heard you've been messing with the Norwegian vikings! Not very smart of you, kiddo." Mr. Puffin hopped out of the tree and landed on her knee, "Y'know where that tent is?"


"There's a huge cabin near it, for trading parties or something. My buddy has all kinds of medication that he gives the vikings in return for food. They're heading up there right now, and I'm sure you want your phone back." Mr. Puffin smirked. 

"Ohh no. No, no, no. Absolutely not!" (Y/n) sat up on the trunk and crossed her arms, "There is no way I'm going to risk getting killed for a stupid phone! Those guys are crazy, I can't sneak around them!"

Mr. Puffin sighed and held a wing to his beak, "You could probably just hide on the outskirts of the forest behind the cabin and I'll just drag Ice outside."


"Emil, or whatever you call him!" 

"Okay, well that second plan sounds way better. Anyone I should look out for?" (Y/n) glanced in the direction of the tent, "Anyone or anything that can and will attack me?"

"No, everyone will be inside." Mr. Puffin hopped on to her shoulder, "Although, there is a small balcony overlooking the back area. I doubt anyone will be up there, but just in case, try to stay under some branches or something."

"Okay. Are we leaving right now?" 

Mr. Puffin nodded, "We sure are! Now, that way!" He held on tight as (Y/n) ran towards the cabin.

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