Your bro has been tagged!

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So ya boi has been tagged by Shazzlin
So here we go (just so ya know half my answers will have to do with Hamilton)

1. Nicknames
Case, roo, bitch (my sisters very nice name for me)
2. Eyes
I have blue gray eyes that have sometimes turned a little green
3. Hair
I have hazel colored hair that is curly af
4. Facts I'm doing 3
•I have 5 siblings including my sister in law
•I'm the youngest 😅
•My best friends name is Lauren (she doesn't have an account, or so I know)
5. Favorite color
The rainbow😅 I also like black and pastel colors
6. Favorite place
My room or like maybe a book story idk I just really like books😂 I kinda low key love Disney world even though I never go there
7. Favorite celeb
I don't have one because I love the whole Hamilton cast
8. Favorite animal
A kangaroo that's kinda why one of my nicknames are Roo
9. Favorite song
I really don't know because I love Kpop, American, and Hamilton (and kinda Jpop. But overall Palette by I.U or maybe Likey by Twice and maybe Say No To This by Lin and Jazzy
10. Favorite book
I really loved I, Eliza Hamilton and currently I'm ready the Alex & Eliza a love story so I'll have to choose I, Eliza Hamilton no madder how much I like the book I'm reading right now, Alice's adventures in wonderland, and the series of unfortunate events

Time to tag some bois!

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