The feeling, however, wasn't bittersweet. It was an exhibition match, so who really cared?

It after the high fives, and good games that they realized it. The beauty of it was just playing some good football no matter who won because it didn't effect league standings.

Maybe it hurt their egos, but it was fine.

The women had gone back to the bench, high-five-ing their teammates and huddling together in a sort of family kind of way. Meanwhile, on the men's side...

Julian was nervous. He wasn't even fazed by the fact that they lost or that Marcelle embarrassed him in front of everybody.

Immediately, he had gone to his jacket, which lay on bench, reaching into the pocket and pulling out a box. "I bought a ring with me."

Kevin, who was right next to him, widened his eyes at the sight of it. "Like, to propose with?"

He nods.

"Woah, that's nice!" Kevin laughed, nudging Julian with his shoulder. "When?"

"I was thinking about doing it now." They've been dating for two years now, with today being their anniversary. Even though it's only been three years, it feels like they've been together longer. It's as if they were already married in the first place.

But what's better than to actually tie the not?

Kevin blinks once before his eyes widen even more. "You're kidding, right? God, you should have told us before hand! We could have set up something spectacular for you guys!"

Julian shakes his head. "I've carried it everywhere with me since I got it, but I feel like I'm ready. What do I do?"

"I don't know, I've never proposed before!" Kevin snorts before he turned towards their teammates, who were all ready to go back and change, but it looks like they might have to wait a little bit. "Hey, everyone! Julian's gonna propose!"

The team automatically gathers around Julian, slapping him on the back, cheering him on, and congratulating him.

Julian finds his way out of the big crowd, box still in his hand. "Okay, hold on! I'm not sure if she'll say yes, I haven't asked."

"Then go ask!" Di Maria gushed, shoving the boy towards the PSG Féminines bench.

"It's okay, Jule! You have us if anything goes wrong!" Dani said in support. "We'll watch!"

"Oh my God, don't," Julian half groans, knowing that was nothing. He was planning on proposing right here—in the Parc des Princes. In front of everyone in the stands, right on the pitch.

That way, they fell in love through football and got engaged through football.

He's so nervous that he might throw up, but he can't because if he does, Marcelle will actually say no. "Guys," he turns around, "I'm not so sure about this anymore..."

"Go!" Kurzawa pushed him towards Marcelle, who was just standing mere meters away near the other bench, talking with a teammate

Julian stood there for a moment, took a deep breath, and started walking. This was it. It was now or never, and he was determined to make it happen.

Julian Draxler, age 26, was about to propose to his girlfriend on the pitch of the Parc des Princes in front of thousands of fans.

He's only near her when Marcelle spots him, turning and giving him a smile and a wave as he walked closer. She leaned in for a kiss and a hug, her head resting on his shoulder. "Great match out there, Juju. You did great."

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