I pulled the blanket from the other end of the couch and covered my body with it. Then, I shut my eyes, hoping I would be able to sleep.

I woke up to a soft pair of lips on my cheek and a hand playing with my hair.

I opened my eyes slightly, seeing a figure above me.

I opened my eyes all the way to see Christian standing there.

His dark brown eyes were staring into my identical ones, a nervous expression in them. He licked his lips, inhaling deeply, his eyes never leaving mines.

I furrowed my eyebrows, staring at him.

Now he's here?

I took a glance at the clock that was on the wall behind him.

It was only 5:00am.

I sat up, pushing Christian slightly away from me.

Christian looked at me, a hurt expression spread across his face.

I didn't care though.

He hurt me, too, and now he just comes here like nothing ever happened.

"Where have you been?" I spoke up, my voice slightly groggy, caused by the sleep.

Christian gulped, his expression changing into one of nervousness.

That immediately made suspicion rise in me.

"Around." Christian simply replied, licking his lips, something he did a lot when he was nervous.

I raised my eyebrows at him, wondering what he was hiding from me.

"Christian! I'm serious! Where on earth have you been?! I was so worried!" I exclaimed, causing Christian's eyes to widen a bit.

He soon got himself together though, his expression now blank.

It was quite clear he was hiding something from me.

I wanted so badly to know what it was.

I was actually afraid Christian would break up with me, even though, deep down, the thought was ridiculous.

Suddenly, Christian had scooped me up in his arms like I weighed nothing nothing at all and was carrying me towards the front door.

I looked at him curiously, wondering what on earth he was up to.

Christian carried me to his car, setting  me down in the passenger seat.

I shivered slightly from the cold winter air since I was only wearing jeans and a hoodie.

Christian got in the car and drove off into the early, cold morning.

I was still really tired and yawned almost nonstop.

Christian glanced at me every now and then as he drove by streets I had never seen before.

After half an hour, he stopped at some empty parking lot and got out of the car, opening the car door for me and helping me out.

"Christian...Where are we?" I asked, confused by everything that was happening.

Why did Christian take me to a place literally in the middle of nowhere on Christmas morning?

Christian chuckled lightly, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me close to him.

"Relax, baby. It's a surprise." Christian said, leading me over to somewhere.

Then, suddenly, he covered my eyes, making sure I couldn't see anything at all.

He continued walking, guiding me to wherever he was going.

Fallen AngelWhere stories live. Discover now