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Reader is pressumed female.

A Steven Universe AU

During the rebellion a single Amber stood in the midle of it. She couldn't join the rebels and she couldn't do Anything to help home world.

That was thousands of years ago. The Amber has been living a life on earth having a very humanlike figure, easily hiding her gem with a shirt.

She hadn't been paying attention when she walked into someone. "O-Oh I'm sorry." She looked up and saw a very handsome guy. "It's alright. What's your name?" He asked. "M-My name! Oh right it's Y/N." The Amber said.

"Michael." The man simply said.

But this was no ordinary human. He was a hybrid of another rose quarts. "Wanna come to the beach with me?" Michael asked smiling down and holding his hand out for Y/N. Y/N nodded and took it as they raced to the beach.

"So...What's up?" Y/N had been on earth long enough to learn what the humans say and how they talk. "Well...I'm on a search." "For what?" "Gems." Michael said. Michael hid his gem easily with his hoodie because it was on his shoulder.

"Gems? I think some live here in Beach City." "Yeah I heard." Michael said reaching out to grab Y/N's hand and looked at her. "What about the rebellion? Where were you?" Michael asked. He knew Y/N was a gem. He just hadn't hadn't seen an Amber before.

"I...I was in the middle of it watching gems get shattered and cracked left and right. I quickly left not wanting to get caught up with things. I just with I could've gone with them." Y/N told Michael. "Have You ever fused?" Michael asked. Y/N nodded. Once with a Jasper but that was an accident.

"Well not for very long though." Y/N admitted. "W-Would you like to?" Michael asked her. She blushed and nodded quickly. Michael took his hoodie off. "Ready." He said. Y/N nodded and got herself ready. They started dancing and since Michael was taller than Y/N he could easily throw her up. When she came back down, she kissed Michael and that was it.

The had fused. Since Michael was a half gem they didn't have an actual gem name even though he was a Rose Quartz. "Woah." The gem said trying to walk around.

"We...We did it-" "Who are you?" The gem turned around to find Garnet. She was included when a sapphire messed up and a ruby fused with her.

"W-We um...I-I-" Michael and Y/N unfused confused at what to do. "Who are you?" "I-I'm Y/N. This is Michael-" "Why are you on this side of the beach?" Garnett asked. "Well...We wanted to talk...then we...fused." Michael quietly explained looking at Y/N who held his hand. "My only question did you two fuse? He seems like an ordinary human and you seem like..An amber." Garnett replied. "Well...I'm a half gem you see. And yes, Y/N is an Amber." Michael explained. "Would you mind dusting again?" She asked the two. The looked at each other and quickly fused, only being a few inches taller than Garnet.

"Hmm...Interesting. Please follow me." Garnet said as The other fusion followed.

They went to what seemed like her home. A small boy, a pearl and an amethyst were there. "Hey Garnet!" The boy said not noticing the second fusion behind her. "Guys. Ive made a discovery-" "Well it was Technically us." The gem said. "Anyways. I found a half gem and gem fusing on the beach. They created this." Garnet said stepping back with everyone else and a Peridot came out to watch as well.

The attention overwhelmed Y/N because she came to earth to Hide from gems and Michael was fine with it so the fusion began shaking a bit. Suddenly they unfused because of Y/N's nerves.

"I-I-I'm sorry I-I just...I don't like attention." Y/N quietly said leaning against Michael. "Alright but remember. When your a fusion you aren't two people you are one." Garnet told us. "Pleasure to meet you both. Noe who's the gem and who's the half gem?" Pearl asked examining us. Y/N lifted up my shirt a bit and showed her gem which was on her stomach. Michael pulled down the shoulder part of his shirt showing off his pink gem. Pearl payed attention to the both but she seemed to look at Michael more. "That gem...its...A Rose Quartz." "I'm the half gem." Michael told her leaving pearl stunned. "Another one..."

The boy walked towards Michael. "I'm Steven. I have a Rose Quartz gem too. It was my moms." "My ma was a Rose Quartz while My mum was a Jasper." Michael said. "Wait but then...shouldn't They both have disappeared and given you their gem? Or was it only the one?" "Well...They had two children. I was given my Ma's gem." Michael said.

"Why are you on the earth Y/N? And Why is your name different?" Peridot asked. "I was sick of being a Yellow Dimond Servant. I wanted to have a normal life, but when I decided to leave the rebellion had started. I was against Homeworld but I acted like it was an accident about me shattering a few of Homeworld gems before I fled." Y/N explained which answered Michaels question.

She's grabbed Michaels hand and they fused again.

"I am...One person. And I-...I like being this."


I'm Like You {Michael MellXReader} Bmc {Under editing}Where stories live. Discover now