|P R O L O U G E|

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I held my bat close. "Why do you have to come back to me?!" I cried out as HE reacted differently than I expected. "Because...I have to get to Y/N. She is the key." I tried hitting him with the bat but my vision was blurred a lot by tears.

"You sick bastard! What are you planning?" "If I told you I would have to kill you...But your a pawn too..." He said before disappearing.

I woke up breathing and panting. "M? You okay?" I slightly nodded. "You sure?" I nodded again. Y/N hugged me.

"College will be better for you...I promise. You won't be called crazy any more. You can be different."

"But I already have the reputation of being crazy..."

"M...it will be better...Would it be okay to ask...what happened that caused you to wake up?" Y/N asked concerned.

"I saw...Him." "Thats impossible...We destoyed them all-" "Mine stayed connected." I told her with no expression. I didnt know how to react.

"W-What?" She asked in fear. "Mine...Stayed activated. He was basically built off of Red mountain dew which meant he would deactivate with GREEN mountain dew. I didn't know what was wrong When you destroyed the others..."


"Now he's coming back...for everyone...especially...


I'm Like You {Michael MellXReader} Bmc {Under editing}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن